Virgin of Guadalupe

My pig was abducted by extraterrestrials. They kept it for three days. Thanks for it came back safely.

Señora Nayeli thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for her husband Daniel didn’t lose his arm when he cut himself with the knife while working in the butcher shop. She brings this retablo in gratitude.

October 17, 1985
Tacubaya, Mexico City

Azucena gives infinite thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe because she’s feeling better. She was stabbed by a client who refused to pay for her services. Now she thanks, and feels good, and works again on this corner, and asks the Holy Virgin, from the bottom of the heart, to always protect her.

January 25, 1990

Retablo by

With this humble retablo, I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for letting me play Our Lord Jesus Christ in the staging about the Passion at the Way of the Cross in Itzapalapa this year. It was a great honor for me, because previous years I had been chosen to play roman soldiers or apostles.

Iztapalapa, Mexico City

Retablo by

I give thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe for taking care of my family and for giving us strength to keep painting. I pray to her to take care and guide my loved ones, my friends and those who need it the most, so that we could make it safe and sound through this COVID-19 pandemic. Amen.

Retablo by

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I give many thanks for the grace granted me by the Virgin of Guadalupe! Being knowledgeable about the events that are taking place in my country and knowing that the are causing me great pain, January 20, 2018, she, with her great love and wisdom, gave me a vision about the future and divine justice, soothing my sorrows. Viva the Virgin!

Thank you, Virgin, I met a friend the night the jaguar came.

My husband is a pretty boring type. But once a week he becomes a devil. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because these days make me happier and liven our marriage up not letting it getting worse too much.

Retablo by

Casildo Perez thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe who saved him from a monster who came in a flying hat.

Xaltocan, 1937

A nagual jumped out on the road and wanted us to take him to his home. We took him there. Thanks for he didn’t harm us.

Retablo by

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Francisco Bejarano pays with this retablo for saving me from a she-devil who wanted to take me right to the hell but you, Virgin of Guadalupe, saved me.

Baths “The Desire”

I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for the miracle of having Rosa back with me after she dumped me for another woman. I love her and forgive her. Now we are very happy.

Rosa and Norma
February 14, 2009, Mexico City

I, Zuleyma Rodriguez, pays the Virgin of Guadalupe with this retablo thanking for her husband Jose Salinas would get rid of this obsession of taking bath with the doorman.

Polanco, Mexico City, 1987