Virgin of Guadalupe

The girl Luisa paints the animals. Thanks for she got rid of this habit.

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The clown Ruben Lopez hurt himself during a magic act. WIth this retablo, he thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe because his wounds have been healed and he can go back to work.

When my husband died I felt devastated. I prayed the Virgin of Guadalupe to let me see my husband one more time. On the Day of the Dead, I was making my husband’s altar and suddenly I saw a ghost. At first, I was terribly frightened but then I felt happy of seeing my husband. Although it lasted few seconds and his figure wasn’t very clear, I’m infinitely grateful.

Itzayana gives infinite thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe for giving her an opportunity to travel and to know other countries and cities. She asks for strong legs and healthy eyes to keep going around the world.

Queretaro, Mexico

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Mercedes Salazar wholeheartedly thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for the miracle that her husband Alberto came back from the United States to spend Christmas and New Year with her and their two little kids. He was gone for entire year, and they couldn’t see him and missed him very much.


When I was swimming, a mermaid began to call me to join her at the bottom of the sea. Before this danger, I entrusted myself to the Virgin of Guadalupe, and thanks to her could escape from the mermaid’s chant.

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It was still night when I went fishing in my boat. Suddenly I was caught by a giant octopus who grabbed me in its deadly embrace and tried to pull me out of the boat. The Virgin of Guadalupe came to help me—she sent seagulls that began to peck the octopus. The octopus let me free trying to save himself from the seagulls and went to the bottom of the sea. I thank for saving my life.

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I thank, Virgin of Guadalupe, for helping me to come back from this trip which happened to me the other day when green duendes came to question me about Trix rabbit and where he had hidden the chocolate chips.

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My land became dry and infertile. I was in despair for not be able to harvest. One day the devil presented before myself and showed me how he can make a dry mound became green and flourishing. He said he could make it with all my lands in exchange for my soul. I was thinking about my family, and it was very tempting. But I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for I could resist the temptation. My resistance prevailed with the good rains coming to my land and making it green again. I give thanks.

Felipe and Rosa Morales thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for saving us from dying being hit by a bus with no breaks at the Coyote Slope.

August 19, 1962

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Señora Sara Muñoz Flores thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for saving my husband from dying when he ate some tacos and caught an infection from the bad meat and was about to die.

April 2, 1970

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One morning my beautiful Clarita didn’t wake up. We were devastated since she was our first daughter. We took her to bury dressed in white like a little angel. And then she suddenly woke up just like that. We dedicate this retablo to the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe.

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Help me, Virgin, to make the animals understand that they have to be eaten on your holiday.

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