I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because I can support all my dogs and even help to all stray dogs that come to my doors guided by the Virgin. I thank for all love I receive from the animals in gratitude.
I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because I can support all my dogs and even help to all stray dogs that come to my doors guided by the Virgin. I thank for all love I receive from the animals in gratitude.
Retablo by Luz Cadena
Catarino Chavez was carrying wineskins with aguamiel near Cholula when he got caught in a strong thunderstorm. He was passing under a black cherry tree when a lighting struck into it. Catarino entrusted himself to the Virgin of Guadalupe. Neither he nor his donkeys got hurt. He thanks for that with the retablo.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
My son Ramiro used to smoke marijuana a lot. I prayed to the Virgin of Guadalupe for saving him from this terrible vice. One day he saw flying cats. They tried to talk with him. It scared him so much, he doesn’t even think to smoke now. I thank for that miracle.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
April 30, 1980, a frightened lion jumped on me. In this danger, I implored the Virgin of Guadalupe. I managed to tame him and the lion didn’t do me any harm. It all ended well.
Seferino — It happened in the “Atayde” circus in Mexico
Retablo by Daniel Vilchis
When I was sick, some horrible demons appeared in my bedroom. They were burning and smoking. I thank the Virgin for giving me enough strength to grab the crucifix that scared them away. They almost burnt my room <…>
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
The construction of the foreman Margarito Corona dedicates this retablo to the Virgin of Guadalupe because she helped them to arrive to the Day of the Holy Cross without any mishap and to celebrate it with hard work.
Retablo by Flor Palomares
I, Gardenia, thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for giving me this beautiful figure so I can make a living as a whore. I love this job because for me it’s easy money.
Oaxaca, Mexico, 1983
Retablo by Rogelio Peña
I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because my cat and my bird became friends and live in perfect harmony. This is a great miracle.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
Mrs. Alisia thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe because her son Juanito is feeling well and his eye is all right. He played with the spin-top and hit himself in the left eye almost losing it.
January 6, 1990
Tacubaya, Mexico City
Retablo by Daniel Vilchis
When I lived in the town, the people complained about my animals, because they’re unusual and aren’t like ordinary pets. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because I inherited a country house from my great-aunt. We’ve become much more happier far away from people who treated us badly.
Retablo by Luz Cadena
I dedicate this retablo to the Virgin of Guadalupe as gratitude for the miracle that I’ve bought a new cart for selling sweet potatoes. My old one was stolen and I couldn’t work without it. And now I sell even more potatoes.
Arnulfo Ibarra
Puebla de los Angeles
Retablo by Flor Palomares
When I was riding in the mountains I looked at the valley. And the devil disguised as a snake scared my mule, so we both fell down. I was falling and thinking that I’d die without having loved anyone. So I implored the Virgin of Guadalupe, and thanks to her my mule and I, we both fell into dense bushes. We didn’t brake any bone. I thank for that.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
Our piglet ran away and went to the railroad tracks. My son Felipe went to drag it off right before the approaching train. It was a miracle of the Virgin of Guadalupe that he managed to pull the piglet before the train hit them. Thanks.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández