— tagged with “illness”

Adalberto Zamora Ruiz thanks the Holy Child of Prague for saving my wife and protecting her from dying from pneumonia that she had caught during the hail storm.

San Jose Iturbide
August 15, 1981

Virgin of Guadalupe, thank you for healing my husband Filimon from a horrible fever and diarrhea which he had after drinking too much for too long. He was dying and nothing seemed to help him. I entrusted him to you, and he’s recovered.

Dominga, December 21, 1934
Chimalistac, Mexico City

My husband loved his fighting rooster very much. One day he rooster got sick and it greatly saddened my husband. I wasn’t particularly fond of the cock because y husband spent all his time with him giving him a lot of attention. But when I saw how deeply my husband cared for the rooster’s health, I went to the witch doctor. She gave me a potion. We gave it to the rooster, and he recovered quickly after that. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because my husband was so grateful for saving his rooster he treats me with gifts every day.

My throat was inflamed and I couldn’t sing. I almost lost my voice. I entrusted myself to the Virgin of Guadalupe to heal me. The Virgin helped me, and now I’m singing even better. I thank for that with this retablo.

Rosario Bello
Durango, 1938

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My husband Genaro and I dedicate this retablo to the Holy Heart. Our daughter Sonia had pains in her stomach. The doctor said she had drunk too much Coca-cola. I had to look the other side and my husband covered his mouth with the hand to not laugh at the doctor’s toupée.

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Virgin of San Juan, thank you for healing my damn rheumatism. Now I’m back working on my land. I ask to not forget about me and bless my land for a good harvest.

Fernando Mejia T.
Puebla, June 19, 1990

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Holy Virgin, thank you for miraculously saving my son Miguelito from heart issues.

Mother, Maria Reyes
April 21, 1963

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Isabel Gutierez almost got fired for sleeping at work. She thanks the Holy Child of Atocha for recovering from this illness. Now she sleeps well and very attentive at work.

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When I was very sick, the Death in person came to my bedroom. Horrified, I prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan so that she’d scare the Death away. The Holy Virgin gave courage to my dogs, and they attacked the Death. The Death felt the dogs gnawing the bones and disappeared without taking me. I thank the Holy Virgin.

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1944, my friend, the artist Frida, was in poor health. I prayed to the Holy Child of Atocha, and my friend got better. Now she’s very happy, and I made this retablo thanking for it.

Mexico, 1944

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Felipe Ortega brings this retablo to the Holy Child of Atocha as gratitude for helming her from horrible pimples she got all over her stomach that even her belly button was inflated.

Tlatlauquitepec, 1928

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I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for curing my sheep. They were dying of a horrible disease which no remedy could cure. I prayed to your divine image, and now my sheep are healthy. I offer you this retablo as gratitude.

Pueblo Nuevo, 1945

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Juaquina Mendosa brings this retablo joyfully thanking the Virgin of Guadalupe for curing her husband’s rheumatism. He couldn’t walk, and now he dances.

Cholula, 1912

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