For a favor received. 2020. A lonely surfer surprised by a shark.
— tagged with “sea”
For a favor received. 2020. A lonely surfer surprised by a shark.
Retablo by Michele Redaelli
I dedicate the present retablos to the Virgin of the Solitude for saving our lives, when we were struck by a lightning, and the deck got on fire, and we were under the threat of shipwreck. We implored to save our lives, and, since we were saved, we now dedicate this retablo.
Capitan Medina
August 22, 1928, Veracruz
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
I lived alone with my dog on a piece of land almost entirely surrounded by water, and we were happy in our world. One day, when sea ran high, we saved a beautiful girl from the water. Her boat had sunk. Since the moment we saw her, we feel in love with her, and she returned our love some time later. Now three of us live in this small and beautiful world of sand and sea.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for saving me from being bitten by a shark when I was surfing at the beaches of Baja California during my honeymoon. I’m grateful for staying alive and enjoying my marriage.
Rene Torres, 1990
Retablo by Hugo Vilchis
I was caught in the ocean by a terrible storm that destroyed my boat. I was left to drift alone in the open sea hoping for my luck. Several days passed, and I was very scared of dying. Then I entrusted myself, with all my faith and devotion, to Saint Peter so that he would save me. I thank because a fishing boat rescued me when I was about to be eaten by few sharks that stalked me. May you be blessed.
Leoncio Torres \ Baja California, Mexico
Retablo by Flor Palomares
I testify for such an incredible story that happened on June 26, 1974, when Mario was swimming in beautiful Tulum and suddenly, from the bottom of a cave, emerged an enormous and threatening creature that looked like a giant red octopus, with enormous tentacles and only one vile eye. It attacked Mario who tried to escape but the beast grabbed him with his repugnant snout. I implore to the Holy Spirit for intervention, and the evil being let him go, so Mario managed to survive.
Tulum, Mexico
Retablo by Carlos Hurtado
Filomeno Gutierrez fervently thanks Saint Pancras, with this retablo, for he having granted him his great wish to see a mermaid, although from a distance, because she escaped from the nets thanks to his dumb buddy’s mistake.
Acapulco, 1935
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
For a favor received. A lonely surfer surprised by a series of giant waves.
Retablo by Michele Redaelli
I, Crecencio Soto, pay, with this retablo, the Virgin of Guadalupe for having worked a miracle of not being drowned by a mermaid who enchanted me with her beauty and wanted to make little mermaids with me.
Cancun, 1980
Retablo by Christopher Rodriguez Contreras
I give thanks to you, Saint Christopher, patron of travelers, for granting me a trip to the beach with my friends. We arrived well and not one bastard cop nor any soldiery stopped us or told anything about being happy in our manner at the beach. Thank you for that, Saint Christopher. We all need to go to the sea.
Retablo by PoxiToxic
I, Marinita Costa, offer this exvoto thanking the Virgin of the Sea for looking after little turtles’ babies and for making me realize that the sea is a house and not just a giant pool. I beg and implore for forgiveness for those times when I threw Coca-Cola light bottles with love messages inside in the sea. I wish I stay an old maid for this stupidity.
Acapulco, Guerrero, 2006
Retablo by Emmanuel Espín
We thank Our Lady of the Solitude for bringing us to a safe harbor when we got caught by the hurricane Gilberto.
Crew of “Sirena II”
Retablo by Jorge Bonola
Thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, because I met Pancho, a boatman, in Acapulco. I’m going to take him to New York with me.
Lynda Smith
Retablo by Jorge Bonola