Nepomuceno Carbajal smoked cigars for many years, and it was a hard work to rid of this bad habit. He asked Saint Jude for help and was able to stop smoking. He thanks for that.
Nepomuceno Carbajal smoked cigars for many years, and it was a hard work to rid of this bad habit. He asked Saint Jude for help and was able to stop smoking. He thanks for that.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Lalo thanks the Virgin because he got tits.
Retablo by David Mecalco
I thank the Virgin for I saw the deer of the luck.
Miguel, 1991
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
A homeless dog always followed me wherever I went. Saint Francis made me feel pity for it, and I took the dog home. I washed and fed him. Now it’s a beautiful and groomed dog. I thank the saint because this dog gives me its love and keeps me a company.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
The cowboy Pantaleion Pantoja brings this retablo to Saint Nicholas for curing a sore in his groin which he’d got from rubbing the saddle.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Don Aureliano Fernandez was going from Mexicali to Durango, and the engine of his car died. While he was trying to repair it two persons approached him very quietly. They appeared literally from nothing. They looked like Scandinavians—with thick blond hair. They offered to help. They just touch the engine and it started itself like a magic. After that they went away and got in their flying saucer. I was so amused I was numb after seeing this. I offer this retablo to Saint Michael Archangel for protecting me from anything bad.
Durango, 1988
Retablo by Adan Pacheco
May 2000, we went through the desert with the only dream to get to USA and to make some money. On the fourth day, we understood that we were lost. We had no food, no water. We felt that death was near, and we began to pray the Virgin of Guadalupe to save us from dying like dogs, far away from our beautiful and beloved Mexico. We read Our Father and went to sleep. We were saved by a local who took us to Nogales, where the border is. We had no money, but we were alive. May you be blessed, Virgin! And to all Mexicans I want to say this: think before you go across the border because there is nothing better than our Mexico. Two chilangos are telling you.
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
A nagual wanted to take my piglet Luis but I talked with him and made him give me my pig back. Thanks.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
I had to win a bicycle race so I could marry Lupita with the prize money. But my bike was stolen, and everything seemed lost. WIth a wonderful miracle by the Virgin of Guadalupe I got my bike back. An angel brought it back to me. I couldn’t finish at the first place but the third. But it’s also good, and I’m going to get married.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
I enjoy cooking very much. I think that’s why my food taste so good—I make it with all my love. My cooking is so good that even the angels come over to my kitchen to eat something. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for giving me such passion and this wonderful gift.
Retablo by Luz Cadena
One evening, when I was in the mountains, it started raining very hard. My sheep got so scared they ran and lost me. It brought me a deep sorrow, and I implored to Saint Francis of Assisi with all my faith. Three days later, I found my sheep in the field. They were alright and no one missing. I give thanks for such a big miracle.
Silvestre López ~ Cuetzalan, Puebla
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Alma Rosa P. was in love with her colleague but didn’t know how to win him over. She devotedly thanks Saint Jude because one day she let him see her assets and it was enough. Now they’re lovers.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Every time I went to sell the flowers to the town square, a very happy young man used to pass by and salute me. I liked him a lot. I dedicate this retablo to Saint Anthony because that man finally decided to ask me to court me and now we are couple—my Aurelio and I.
Remedios Pascual, Zacatecas
Retablo by Flor Palomares