Beings from other dimensions visit the boy Ramiro. Look after him, Saint John.
Beings from other dimensions visit the boy Ramiro. Look after him, Saint John.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
I thank the Virgin of Zapopan. When I was in a dating house with a great company, suddenly my wife came in. I wished the earth would swallow me up and asked the Virgin to cover me up with her cloak. The Virgin made the miracle, and my wife didn’t see me. I dedicate this retablo for that.
Guadalajara, 1966
Santos Gutierrez
Retablo by Unknown artist #50
My kitten Pepe is my only company because I didn’t marry and have no kids. That’s why, the other day when we had a fire in the building, I was very much preoccupied since I was outside and couldn’t get in and save him. I thank Saint Francis of Assisi for a brave firefighter risked his own life to save my kitten who is everything for me. May he be blessed.
Socorro Montejo
Zacatecas, Mexico
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
Yolanda Torres loved to have sex with her boyfriend-wrestler named The Flare. But one day a friend of his put his mask on and banged Yolanda. She thank Saint John of the Cross because her boyfriend didn’t found out about it and besides that she enjoyed it.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Thanks for the angels look after me.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
Everything’s great on this beautiful day.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
I thank the Virgin, for the lion didn’t eat my piglet.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
Guadalupe Ramirez made some eggnog for a party. But when she came back to the kitchen she found out that the cat drank everything and got slightly drunk. She thanks Saint Paschal Baylon because she was able to prepare another eggnog and the cat survived.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Teresa Guzman was very gossipy. One day her neighbor couldn’t take it any more, she grabbed her hair and gave her what she deserved. Teresa promises to Saint Raymond to amend herself in order to avoid such complications in future.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Gregorio Fernandez was walking at the park when he was suddenly attacked by three rabid dogs. He was in bad condition, and he thanks the Virgin of San Juan for his recovery.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I thank the Holy Child Doctor of the Sick for granting me with health so I could back to boxing. A Canadian boxer knocked me down very strongly and I was told I wouldn’t be able to box ever again. And then we met at the ring once again, only this time I won the championship. I dedicate the present ex-voto with all my heart.
Juan “The Falcon” Mendez
Toluca, 1977
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Jose thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for he was able to found his sheep after three days of losing them in the mountains. He brings this retablo for this favor.
January 17, 1985
Retablo by Daniel Vilchis
I thank Saint Margaret because I could finally wear my beautiful yellow bathing cap, and Trevor liked it a lot.
Retablo by Javier Mayoral