Since she was little, my daughter loved when I read to her. However, when she learnt to read she refused to read to herself. I didn’t know what to do, until the Virgin of Guadalupe sent me a wonderful idea. I offered to my girl to read books for the cats. She agreed. The cats seemed to love this idea also. They were fascinated by my daughter’s voice and gathered around her to listen. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for this miracle.

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Rebeca Garcia thanks Saint Anthony for she finally found a bitch of the same breed her dog is for breeding them.

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I offer this retablo to Saint George for giving me the idea to use my vacuum cleaner to scare off the nasty hydra I have in my backyard.

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My working days can be tiresome and boring. But thanks to the Holy Heart my soul gets free at night. I fly among the stars touching the Moon with my fingertips and diving in the infinity. I feel myself so happy and alive.

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I thank the Holy Face of Acapulco for I killed my husband and they did nothing to me for that.

Maria Reyes
December 17, 1990

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Mother Holy Virgin of Guadalupe, thank you for leaving us alive when we were attacked by some miscreants during our journey.

San Juan, Morelos

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My boyfriend was a sailor. I used to go to the sea cliff to see if his ship is coming back. One day I slipped and fell into the sea. I was stunned after the falling and went to the bottom of the sea. I was spluttering. Suddenly I saw mermaids. They took me and pulled to the surface. There I could breathe. It was Saint Barbara who sent me them for help. I thank her for this marvelous miracle.

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Holy Child of Atocha, thank you for supporting me in this line of work and protecting from danger and illness.

Merced, Mexico City — May 10, 1999

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Jeno Martines thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for his tattoos.

Tepito, Mexico — November 21, 2007

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My daughter Amalia was suffering of a love treason and fell ill. She was getting paler and thinner with every day, because she refused to eat. I was afraid she was dying and prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan for delivering my girl of this pain. And then, on April 2, my Amalia woke up full of life and started eating. I thank the Virgin.

Dulce Maria Castro

I offer this retablo to the Virgin of Guadalupe because my arm which was hurt in Tijuana got healed.

Red Angel

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Don Arturo Falcon was traveling by plane and saw a whirligig-shaped UFO at approach to Mexico City. The UFO almost hit the plane, passing at very high speed 20 meters from it. Fortunately, it didn’t crash into the plane. I give thanks to the Holy Trinity for saving our lives and dedicate this retablo.

Mexico City — December 13, 1967

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Don Arturo Falcon was traveling by plane and saw a whirligig-shaped UFO at approach to Mexico City. The UFO almost hit the plane, passing at very high speed 20 meters from it. Fortunately, it didn’t crash into the plane. I give thanks to the Holy Trinity for saving our lives and dedicate this retablo.

Mexico City — December 13, 1967

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