My neighbor had a giant monstrous cat. It could eat an entire chicken at once. My kitty was scared to go outside. I prayed the Virgin of Guadalupe so that she would help us in this difficult situation. Thanks to the Virgin’s miracle the neighbor moved away and took her cat with her. Now my kitty can walk outside.

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The surfer Mateo Robledo was attacked by a shark, and it bit off his leg. He thanks Saint Elias with this retablo for saving his life and for he didn’t lose his passion for sport.

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Thank you, Saint Jude Thaddeus, for protecting me from the damned immigration police. They are like dogs chasing the immigrants, who, like me, have to move to the country looking for a job. Thing are going very bad now—after that damn discriminating SB 1070 law, derogatory to our rights, was passed here in Arizona. So keep your fucking dollars, and I go back to my dear, beloved Mexico. I dedicate this retablo for all humiliated Mexicans.

March 30, 2010

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Ofelia Medina was cheated on, so she put her wedding dress on, since she won’t have to wear it, and threw herself into the lake. But a fisherman noticed her and saved her. Ofelia thanks the Virgin of Zapopan because she met a new love in her savior.

I thank the Holy Child of Atocha from Fresnillo because my son Adolfo Jimenez Hernandez got released.

Agripina Hernandez, March 1958

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Jasinto Lopez brings this retablo to Saint Jude Thaddeus thanking for his damned old mother-in-law finally went away and left him in peace.

Matehuala, San Luis Potosi, 1956

We thank Saint de Porres for a wonderful idea to instal a transparent mirror in our sitting-room. Now we can spy on the Durans when they come over for the dinner. We suspect they steal our silver dinnerware.

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Sara Gonzalez gossiped a lot. And one day her neighbor smeared the Sara’s face with shit. That gave her an eye infection. She thanks Saint Raymond for her recovery and promises to reform.

My sister Maria Dolores dedicated herself to prostitution. When my mother found out about, she was very upset. I prayed to the Lord of Chalma so that Maria would back to the righteous path. And he worked the miracle.

Maria Reyes
February 2, 1980

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The night of September 30, I was coming back to my ranch when I was attacked by bandits. They beat me, tied me up, put a gag in my mouth and left me in a pit in mountains. I thank the Blessed Sacrament for my dog found me and I was saved.

Samuel Martinez

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Ernestina Gonzalez thanks the Virgin oz Zapopan because her daughter Rosita gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby-girl. Her mother-in-law, Berta Patiño, ordered the present retablo in gratitude.

Mexico City, 1973

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Pablo Bermudes devotes himself to Saint Nicholas of Bari and dedicates him this retablo because his military service has come to the end and now he can grow his hair long.

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I thank Christ of the Victory because my guitar is my best friend and I play it unceasingly at night.

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