— tagged with “Baja California”

I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for saving me from being bitten by a shark when I was surfing at the beaches of Baja California during my honeymoon. I’m grateful for staying alive and enjoying my marriage.

Rene Torres, 1990

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I was caught in the ocean by a terrible storm that destroyed my boat. I was left to drift alone in the open sea hoping for my luck. Several days passed, and I was very scared of dying. Then I entrusted myself, with all my faith and devotion, to Saint Peter so that he would save me. I thank because a fishing boat rescued me when I was about to be eaten by few sharks that stalked me. May you be blessed.

Leoncio Torres \ Baja California, Mexico

One day my crew and I went for our regular tuna fishing. In order to catch more fish, we went far away to the sea with no idea that we’d caught in a storm. I wholeheartedly thank Saint Peter who took care of us, because we all were scared of dying, since the storm was terrifying, but thanks to his protection we managed to get back on firm ground and to our families.

Federico Muñoz — Baja California, Mexico

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Raul Contreras and Gaudencio Blanco pay the Virgin of Guadalupe with this retablo for saving them from death in the desert. For this favor, they pay with this.

Tijuana, 1960

I thank for it all was a dream when I fell asleep under the brugmansia tree, and the devil didn’t take my little sister.

Mexicali, 2020

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Adriano Castillo, the guitarist of the rock band “The Black Cats”, got his hair on fire at the end of a gig when the sparklers at the end of his guitar exploded. He was very frightened. He thanks Saint Augustine for his face didn’t burn and he just lost part of his full head of hair.

Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico

Antonio and his brother Carlos give thanks to the Virgin of Gudalupe for saving them from dying by being smashed by a whale that jumped out of the water near their boat when they were collecting their daily catch. They thank for that.

Los Cabos, Baja California, 1990

1938, Baja California, a diver Rodrigo Rivera ran into a bloodthirsty shark that started chasing him. He brings this retablo to the Child of Atocha thanking for the shark didn’t have him on dinner.

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Herlindo Ortiz thanks with this retablo. When we went for fishing we were attacked by some enormous sea monsters.

Baja California, July 18, 1940

I’m a big fan of “Hellraiser” movies. But one night I was walking down an empty street, and Chatterer, one of the cenobites characters in the movies, appeared to me. I thank Saint Michael the Archangel because, although he tried to catch me, I managed to escape. I don’t know if it was a product of my imagination or real but this experience scared me a lot.

Ramon Telles — Tijuana, Baja California

Thank you, Holy Virgin of Guadalupe, because my left ankle that I injured in Tijuana got healed.

Blue Demon

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Casimira Luna gives infinite thanks for I managed to marry Claudio the little merman because I fell in love with him and accepted him.

Baja California, July 13, 1942

Virgin of Guadalupe, thanks for you favors. With great pain in my heart but this was my decision—I had left my husband. I love him very much but I couldn’t live like this. I had to obey his orders and let him beat me with sexual objects to get him satisfied because he is a sadomasochist.

Maricarmen Dario
Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico, 1968

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