— tagged with “Mexico City”

Señora Raquel thanks the Virgin of San Juan because her son was born safe and sound and she’s feeling well after a tremendous hemorrhage caused by his birth.

The Sanchez family
Mexico City, January 6, 1985

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Virgin of Guadalupe, thank you for getting well through this dangerous sex-changing surgery. Although I was born as a man but always felt as a woman inside. Now I’ve became one. With my parents’ support, it doesn’t matter what people say.

Alejandro “La Jasmin”
Condesa, Mexico City
December 12, 2013

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Virgin of San Juan, the clown Poco-Loco (“Slightly Crazy”) wants to thank you for the triumph of his show and because his elephant that was dying is alright now.

Mexico City, November 2, 2000

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Señor Daniel and his son Pablo thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for giving them her support and helping to go on crossing the Arizona desert and arriving to U.S. to fulfill their American dream and earn some money to support their family.

January 25, 1985, Mexico City

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With the tears of happiness and hope, I thank the Brown-skin girl from Tepeyac because she granted me a possibility to see with my own eyes His Holiness John Paul II, at my 90 years. Let his message touch the hearts of all Mexicans and their rulers so this country would be the Paradise of the new century.

Mexico, the end of millennium

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Virgin of Guadalupe, thank you because I survived after being attacked by the lion. That dangerous moment I entrusted myself to you and you protected me. Now I’m alright and keep working in the circus.

Vicente Perez
April 30, 1990, Mexico City

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Saint Sebastian, may you be blessed because Jesus forgave me for not saying him that I’m a transsexual. He is back, even we would never have children.

Pedro «The Charisma»
Mexico City — November 28, 1995

Blessed Heart, thank you for giving us the opportunity of meeting each other, finding our happiness and living it together such as we are.

Condeza, Mexico City
May 17, 2000

Virgin of Guadalupe, thank you. When I was left without a job and needed money to support my family, I took my guitar and went to sing to the street protected under your mantle. Thanks to you the things have been going well. WIth this retablo I thank you for everything.

Victor Martinez — Mexico City, December 12, 1990

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With this humble retablo, I thank Saint Patrick for my good physique. Thanks to my natural beauty I had a good job as a model and I earn very good money, although I didn’t even finish the primary school.

Nayeli Sandoval / Mexico City

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To my Lord and to the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe, I offer this retablo because I got my lands back. I inherited them from my late parents and then the lands were taking from me without any reason as a mortgage. I prayed to you and now I work on my lands again as my parents’ wish. Bless me, Holy Virgin, since I’m all alone.

Serafin, Cuajumalpa, May 3, 1975

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Rita Perez thanks the Virgin for she earns enough money to support her kids.

Merced, Mexico City

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May you be blessed, Virgin of Guadalupe, for the miracle that I survived after being hit be a car. I felt the death close to me, and it scared me a lot, so I swear to not drink again.

Pedro Hernandez, Tacubaya, 1986

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