Gustavo Garcia is greatly thankful to Saint Christopher with this retablo because he’s doing very well working as a dentist in Tijuana. He has a lot of American clients who pay him in dollars.
— tagged with “Tijuana”
Gustavo Garcia is greatly thankful to Saint Christopher with this retablo because he’s doing very well working as a dentist in Tijuana. He has a lot of American clients who pay him in dollars.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I lied to my boyfriend out of fear and told him that I was a secretary while in fact I was working as a stripper. I thank Saint Raymond Nonnatus because when he proposed to me I revealed my secret, and he didn’t get angry. He understood me showing that he truly loves me and is not ashamed by my profession.
Esmeralda H. \ Tijuana, Baja California
Retablo by Flor Palomares
With this retablo, I thank the Virgin of the Charity who helped me to collect some money for the maracas without which I couldn’t have worked in the “Windmill” cabaret in Tijuana.
Retablo by Javier Mayoral
Abel C. dedicates this humble retablo to Saint George thanking him for his wife hasn’t found out that he has a habit of spending a lot of money on private dances from sexy strippers at “Table Dance” on weekends. He promises to never forget about his obligations as husband, but will go on satisfying his personal whims, even secretly.
Tijuana, Baja California
Retablo by Flor Palomares
I was very shy and had no girlfriend. One day I met a beautiful girl on the internet. In order to be accepted by her, I wrote her that I’m handsome and sent her photos of another man. I thank Saint Anthony of Padua because when we finally met in person, she forgave my lies and told me that she loves me not for my look but for what I’m inside. Now we are very happy together.
Lucio Sanchez
Tijuana, Baja California
Retablo by Flor Palomares
I offer this retablo to Saint Rose. I decided to visit very famous lesbian tattoo artist in Tijuana to make a surprise for my husband’s birthday. But when my hubby saw my body all covered in tattoos he freaked out and kicked me out. He didn’t want to know me anymore. But the most amazing thing was that after this I came back to Tijuana and went to the lesbian artist with whom I had already started falling in love. Now we’re living and making tattoos together.
Retablo by Javier Mayoral
I offer this retablo to the Virgin of Guadalupe because my arm which was hurt in Tijuana got healed.
Red Angel
Retablo by Jorge Bonola
Saint Charbel, thank you for protecting us. Three years after my husband had gone to work in USA, we went to visit him. There we celebrated a New Year with our son. Two days later he went to visit his friend and never came back. I had some money but they didn’t last long. We got broke very quickly. We have no money to pay for a room but one lady gave us a room in a semi-destroyed house. Later I found out that my husband lives with an American woman.
Fernanda Mendoza
Tijuana, 1960
Retablo by Viridiana Canseco Hernández
Demetrio Hernandez worked as referee in a championship fight, and he was knocked out by mistake of the boxer «Kid» Rodriguez. He thanks St. Jude Thaddeus with this retablo, because he only lost two teeth and nothing seriously bad happened. Some time later he returned to work.
Tijuana, 1968
Retablo by Flor Palomares
I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because my shoulder, which they hurt me in Tijuana, got better.
Blue Demon
Retablo by Jorge Bonola
Ramiro Treviño, the bass player of the rock band “The Night Cats”, had his hair on fire when the fireworks went on at the end of the concert. He thanks Saint Patrick because there were no grave consequences and he only lost his large mane.
Tijuana, Baja California
Retablo by Flor Palomares
I thank Saint Jude Thaddeus because he let me leave the convent for having fun at the disco.
Tijuana, Mexico — October 2010
Retablo by Gabriela Alonso Puga
I thank the Lord of the Cross because it was only a dream and I didn’t fell off the trapeze in real life.
Facundo Peña, acrobat
Tijuana, Mexico, 1980
The “Union” circus
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis