Nayeli thanks the Holy Lord of Chalma for letting her to present, with great success, her act of juggling on her horse and for the opportunity given by the circus. She expresses her gratitude.
January 6, 1990
Señor de Chalma
Nayeli thanks the Holy Lord of Chalma for letting her to present, with great success, her act of juggling on her horse and for the opportunity given by the circus. She expresses her gratitude.
January 6, 1990
Retablo by Daniel Vilchis
We give thanks to the Holy Lord of Chalma for getting my son Jose Juan through a dangerous heart surgery when he was between life and death.
The Gonzalez family
Santa Fe, Mexico, April 27, 1985
Retablo by Luis Vilchis
I give my thanks to the Holy Lord of Chalma for giving me another chance after I had caught COVID-19 on the street. When I was in mortal danger I entrusted my health to you, and now I’m here to give thank for your favor.
Tomas R.
Cuajimalpa, Mexico City, May 12, 2020
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
Ausencio gives infinite thanks to the Lord of Chalma because his cow Pancha is safe after a strong foot-and-mouth disease outbreak in the village that was killing all the animals. He thanks for that.
April 2, 1947, Mexico
Retablo by Daniel Vilchis
May you be blessed, Lord of Chalma, for looking after me and saving from death when I was attacked by a robber outside my house. I had no money on me, and he wanted to kill me. Then, like a miracle, came my dog Tequila and bit him, and I could save my life.
Retablo by Hugo Vilchis
Mr. Eugenio gives thanks to the Holy Lord of Chalma because he saved his life when his truck’s brakes failed on the way from Cuernavaca. He testifies his gratitude and wholeheartedly asks to always bless his way.
October 17, 1985
Retablo by Daniel Vilchis
On All Saints’ night, I was walking down the street and suddenly saw a ghost carriage approaching me. To my great fear, I heard the driver inviting me to take a ride with him. I prayed to the Holy Lord of Chalma to help me, and eventually the ghost disappeared. I bring this retablo for such a great miracle.
Rosendo Hernandez \ Zacatecas, Mexico
Retablo by Flor Palomares
I was left without a job and I couldn’t pay my rent. Then I got an idea to put sexy clothes on and to flirt with my landlord to make him forgive me the payment. I didn’t count, however, that he would be with his wife that day. When she saw me, she went furious. I thank the Holy Lord of Chalma because the landlord managed to calm his wife and they didn’t kick me pit after this. I promise not to have such ideas anymore.
Silvia S. \ Campeche, Mexico
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Arturo Lopez and his family give infinite thanks to the Lord of Chalma for giving them the strength to cross the Arizona desert, come to the U.S. and fulfill their American dream and earn some bucks to support their family.
January 25, 1985, U.S.
Retablo by Daniel Vilchis
I dedicate this exvoto to the Holy Lord of Chalma for the best memory of my childhood—a marvelous, creative and crazy tv-program “The Hilarious House of Frightenstein”. I thanks for many hours of being entertained when I was a little boy.
Alberto Sepulveda, Mexico
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
I thank the Holy Lord of Chalma with the present retablo for the great talent of the Mexican muralist Jose Clemente Orozco. His work is recognize on the international level, and I’m filled with pride for he’s a referent of the Mexican art section in the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
I thank the Holy Lord of Chalma for letting me get out alive from a dangerous open heart surgery. I asked you so much not to let the devil take me, and now I’m alright.
Antonio M.
Mexico City, September 6, 1990
Retablo by Luis Vilchis
I wanted to add more realism to my character from the pastorale, and I had an idea to put more flares. By accident, I put the tail of my costume on fire. I thank the Lord of Chalma for one of my companions acted fast and found an extinguisher. If not I would have got all burned because everybody was thinking it was part of our performance.
Cirilo Reyes, Mexico City
Retablo by Flor Palomares