Virgin of Guadalupe

In the forest, I ran into the magic pegasus. Thanks.

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Thank you Virgin because I came well thought the surgery on my boobies.

Sara Vaquedano

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The Virgin and a dolphin saved me from the attack of an octopus.

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The night of November 16, 1974, all the dogs began to howl. We went out and saw the Weeping Woman floating over our houses. We entrusted ourselves to the Virgin of Guadalupe, and thanks to her this vision vanished in the night.

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We met in the wrestling, and it was an immediate attraction. We started our relationship, and we are a happy couple. We thank the Virgin of Guadalupe.

I dedicate this retablo to the Virgin of Guadalupe in the name of all women in the world for those cowardly murdered in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua. With sadness in my heart, I ask you, My Mother, to accept their souls to the heaven, for the comfort of their families.

October 17, 2004

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The prostitute Doris thanks the Holy Virgin for having money.

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May you be blessed, Virgin of Guadalupe, for I worked one more year as a clown bringing joy to the kids.

Pedro M. “Blue Coco”, 1995

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When Pablo came home he saw me chatting with some neighbors. He got angry and started spanking me with his belt. But I felt much more pain because Pablo though I was cheating on him. He yelled at me, cursing with horrible words, and threatened to leave me. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because he didn’t dump me and we live happily together.

You devoted son, R. C. P.
Mexico City, 1970

Protect my friend, the snail. Girl Garasi.

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Fermin Roque and Carmen Lopez offer this retablo to the Virgin of Guadalupe because this year they sold more nopal cactuses than the last year. They thanks for that.

Milpalta, 1947

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Serapio Papaqui thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for letting him to keep dancing as hue hue at this year carnival. Last year he accidentally shot himself with carbine and almost died. He was afraid they wouldn’t let him to participate at the carnival after that accident and it’s been his family tradition for many years.

Huejotzingo, Puebla

We offer this retablo to the Virgin of Guadalupe because the holy father Fray Tormenta won this fight in order to help the children from the streets and helpless women. They pray for him seeing his generosity and modesty. We entrust him to you, with all our hearts, for his help.

San Juan Teotihuacan, December 31, 1993