June 24, 1909, on the Saint John’s Eve, my old man was coming back from the field and met a ghost of a hanged man. I thank Saint Augustine for protecting my old man and his donkey from such danger.
Charcas, S.L.P., 1909
— tagged with “donkeys”
June 24, 1909, on the Saint John’s Eve, my old man was coming back from the field and met a ghost of a hanged man. I thank Saint Augustine for protecting my old man and his donkey from such danger.
Charcas, S.L.P., 1909
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
When my sister and I noticed a storm coming we bring the animals to the shed. We just put the donkey in when the storm began. It was so strong we couldn’t go out and run to the house. We heard the walls cracking and prayed the Virgin of Paloma so that the shed would withstand under the wind and rain because it seems it going to be blown off any minute. We thank for it withstood and protected all of us.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
My donkey Pancho is very stupid. One day he crossed the railroad right before an approaching train. Only thanks to the miracle of Saint Francis, the engineer decided to stick out his head to look around and saw my donkey. He hit the brakes in time so the train didn’t run over the poor animal. I offer this retablo to the saint.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
My donkey Filemon was very stubborn. He refused to go neither forward or backward. He stopped halfway delaying my work in the fields. I entrusted myself to Saint Anthony the Great, and he worked a miracle. My donkey pays me attention, and I have no problems with him anymore.
Lauro Hernandez
Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala
Retablo by Flor Palomares
One dark night, I was coming back from the San Martin fair with my donkeys. Suddenly the sly was lightened with many lightnings. With that light I could see that I was near a cliff and almost fell off. I thank the Virgin of San Juan for lighting up my way.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
Macaria Soto thanks for saving her donkey from the bite of a viper because the donkey has a perfect vision and saw the snake and killed it with her hoof. She thanks for that with this picture.
Zimapan, Hidalgo, 1952
Retablo by Gustavo Villeda
Hermenegildo Castro dedicates this humble retablo to Saint Anthony the Great because thanks to his divine intervention he found his donkey Filemon which had been lost in the filed. Without the donkey he couldn’t work and now he’s very glad.
Tepeaca, Puebla
Retablo by Flor Palomares
I sold the oranges at the market and bought the piglet. I rode my donkey holding the piglet, when we fell into a pit. I fell down and the donkey with the piglet fell over me. I couldn’t move. I thought we were going to die down there in the dark. But thanks to Saint Francis a muleteer was passing by. He heard my screams, and he helped me out. I bruised myself but I was safe. The donkey and the piglet, since they fell on me, were also alright. I give thanks.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
I went to the town market to sell oranges. I got tired and decided to ride my donkey. But I had put a little bit of weight. We were going down the hill, and the donkey’s legs slid apart under my weight combined with the weight of the oranges. We slid down the hill. Thanks to the Virgin of Zapopan there were a lot of bushes on our way and they stopped our falling. We didn’t broke any bones, only got scared and got few bruises.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
The Melecio Martinez’ donkey got sick. Since they loved it very much and cared about the donkey, and also since there was no other way to carry milk to the town to sell it, they prayed to Saint Francis of Assisi who heard the prayers and made the miracle of curing the donkey. Now the donkey is strong and cheerful again.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
Catarino Chavez was carrying wineskins with aguamiel near Cholula when he got caught in a strong thunderstorm. He was passing under a black cherry tree when a lighting struck into it. Catarino entrusted himself to the Virgin of Guadalupe. Neither he nor his donkeys got hurt. He thanks for that with the retablo.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Genaro and I began to sell flowers on our donkey. Thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe things went well. Now we have four flower shops and we put our kids in good schools and the University so they could become architects and doctors.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
There was an epidemic in the village that infected the animals. With all my faith, I entrusted myself to the Virgin of Guadalupe so that she would save my animals. They were saved, didn’t got infected and stayed in good health. They are all I have, and I thank you. May you be blessed, Virgin.
Eufrosina Reyes
Cuetzalan, Puebla
Retablo by Flor Palomares