I’m immensely grateful to you, Virgin of Guadalupe, because my faithful work companion, my horse Catrin, got recovered from an infection.
Bulmaro Perez
— tagged with “illness”
I’m immensely grateful to you, Virgin of Guadalupe, because my faithful work companion, my horse Catrin, got recovered from an infection.
Bulmaro Perez
Retablo by Jorge Bonola
Gumersinda Cañete’s heifer got sick with a bad indigestion. No remedy would help it, so she implored Saint Francis, and the heifer was cured. She brings this retablo giving thanks for such a particular favor.
Puebla, 1915
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I thank the Blessed Plant because it gave me the vision to realize that I had colon cancer, and in the same time turned out that thanks to the plant I was able to find the cure.
Guadalupe Maravilla, December 12, 2012
Retablo by Daniel Vilchis
In Puebla, 1940, doña Juquina Benitez’ son got sick with jaundice, and it became very grave. No remedy would help him, and she entrusted him to the Child of Atocha. The next day the painter Frida visited them. She brought some medicine and a puppy, and the boy was cured. She gives infinite thanks for that.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
The girl Lupita Corona was bitten by an evil dog when she was leaving the bakery shop. She went home, and her mother took care of her. But the fever wouldn’t go away, and they told her that the dog was rabid and the girl should be taken to the doctor. But the doctor said that the girl was about to die. Seeing her daughter’s trouble, she entrusted her to the Holy Mary of Guadalupe, promising wholeheartedly to order this retablo, because her daughter was suffering a lot. After that she began her recovery. Thanks to you now she’s alright. I bring you the promise for the received miracle.
Eternally grateful señora Lupe Hernandez and señor Jose Demetrio Corona
Guanajuato, 2–Nov–1941
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
I bring the present retablo to the Child of Atocha for helping me to meet Tin Tan and convincing him to visit my ill aunt since she always dreamt of meeting him. He even sang and danced for her and didn’t charge us, and my aunt recovered.
Gonzalo, Puebla, 1949
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Saint Pantaleon, thank you for health at times of pandemic but ask Saint Expeditus for help so that they would give us the vaccine or our hands become like this parchment.
Retablo by Gabriela Izquierdo
I got a message that my grandmother was seriously ill in a neighboring village and that I had to hurry to see her. As it was very late and there was no bus, I decided to walk with my kids. It was a long way, and my son who was still very young, was tired. I was exhausted as well because I had to carry the baby. Then a friendly and beautiful nagual appeared to us. He told us not to worry, that my grandmother was better and we could take a rest. We sat down for a while, and the luminous nagual surrounded by shiny insects told us beautiful stories. Having rested, we continue our journey, and when we arrived my grandmother was much better and very happy to see us. I thank the Virgin for this miracle.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
I was gravely ill with my liver, and I was in deadly danger. Then I implored the sky not to let me die and not to leave my poor children unprotected. But I got only worse, and then I died, and my husband went off with my cousin and didn’t want to have anything with my children. I leave this retablo as testimony.
Domitila Ochoa Razo, October 10, 1937
Retablo by E. Collins
Holy Virgin Mary, thanks for this good cow that our uncle Fernando gave us. Thanks to the money from selling her milk we were able to cure my sister Carla. Thank you very much, Holy Virgin Mary.
Retablo by Unknown artist #47
I was alone and very sick in my bed when I saw the Death in my door. He sent a bunch of skeleton on me. They were joking about me, laughing and dancing around. I implored the Virgin of San Juan, and she appeared shinning. Her brightness scared the Death and the skeletons away, and they left me in peace. I thank because I also got better after this.
January 28, 1982
Retablo by Unknown artist #58
Fernando Rivera had a fever and couldn’t go to the toilet, and he had to make all his things in a pottie. One time a scorpion came out of the pot and sat on the Fernando’s buttock. He prayed to the Lord of the Miracles so that the scorpion wouldn’t sting him in the ass because it could’ve worsened his condition even more. Since the Lord cured Fernando and delivered him from the scorpion, Fernando dedicates this retablo as gratitude.
Puebla, 1957
Retablo by Gustavo Villeda
When I was sick with jaundice I used to have terrible nightmares in which I was going to the cemetery, and there skeletons raped me, and those bastards even took turns.
Juliana Mejia T.
Mexico City, 1967
Retablo by Gustavo Villeda