— tagged with “injuries”

The picador Nemesio Gomes thanks Virgin of San Juan with this retablo for his wound has been healed. He was injured when a bull hit him in his butt cheek.

Tlaxcala, 1929

Juvencio Suarez ruptured himself while carrying the sacks with apples. His testicles were in such pain, he couldn’t walk. Nothing could help him, so he prayed the Holy Child Doctor. The next morning, he woke up healed. He thanks for that.

Zacatlan, 1917

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Eufimio Gonzalez thanks his guardian angel for protecting him while he was riding an angry bull. He found himself in danger, prayed to the angel and only got his testicles hurt. But they’re all good now.

Cholula, 1914

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Thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, for saving me during that accident. January 1958, I was crossing a street and was hit by a car. My hip was broken, and I couldn’t walk for a year. I used a wheelchair. I prayed the Virgin of Guadalupe to help me to recover after many surgeries.

Fermin Guadarrama
Mexico City

Mr. Joaquin Hernandez loved cigars. But one day a scoundrel put a firecracker in his cigar and it exploded right in his face. He ended up in the hospital. He thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for his recovery although the scars remain.

Enrique Perez didn’t pay his gambling debt in time. The collectors came to him and severely broke his knee. He thank the Virgin of San Juan for his recovery, and he borrowed money to pay out.

Cesar Morales used to sleep with the daughter of a farmer. But one day the father caught them and pierced a Cesar’s leg by the pitchfork. He thanks Saint James with this retablo for healing.

Virgin of San Juan, thank you for your help. I went to the cattle yard to give some water to Chaparro (The Shorty). That’s how I call my bull because he wouldn’t grow. I didn’t notice he wasn’t tied, and I thought he was sleeping as usual. But the bull chased me and pierced my leg. The wound wasn’t deep but the blow was so strong, I was kicked out of the yard.

Jacinto Felix
Tlaxcala, 1975

I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for the miracle of my father getting better. We played football, and he fell and hit the back of his head. He lied almost like a dead man. I prayed the Virgin so he would survive. I offer this retablo as my gratitude.

Jose Chavez M.
Cholula, July 18, 1940

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Juan Jose Ramos being drunk went to dance with cacti. He hurt himself terribly. He thanks Father Jesus for this divine lesson and promises to amend.

Virgin of San Juan, thank for your favors. A cockfight was going on, and it seemed that my cock was going to win. I cheered him but then suddenly the other cock owner stab me in my eye. My eye fell off and I almost lost it. I thank the Virgin for enlightening the surgeon who worked on me.

Ambrosio Ibarra
Leon, Guanajuato, 1961

The old men Gustavito Lopez and Roberto Mendes were constantly fighting. One day they even start hitting each other with their sticks and got hurt very badly. They thank the Holy Child of Atocha for recovering and promise to behave.

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Felipe Rodriguez got tired of her food being constantly criticized by her mother-in-law. She blew her with a frying-pan and split her head open. Felipe thanks Saint Pascual Baylon for she didn’t stay in jail for a long time.