— tagged with “restaurant”

I dedicate this exvoto to the Virgin of Guadalupe for the continuous success of “Taco Loco”. The food is always marvelous, the serves is excellent, and the atmosphere is relaxing and pleasant. I’ve very much enjoyed each meal I’ve had in “Taco Loco”.

Roger Becket \ Shelby Township

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Gustavo Lopez was having a diner with his cousin when his girlfriend, crazy of jealousy, came and stab him in his neck with a broken glass. He fervently thanks Saint Raymond with this retablo for his recovery and for that crazy broad was put behind bars.

The Bortoloti brothers, Pedro and Juan, thank Saint Pancras with this retablo foe the success of their pizzeria restaurant, and they even got girlfriends.

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Our mariachi band singer got sick, and we didn’t know what to do. So our violinist Lupita offered herself to substitute her and she told us that she sings beautifully. We were surprised because it wasn’t true and, instead of singing, she screamed like a dog run over by a car. With all our hearts, we thank Saint Cecily for our main singer recovered her health because those days with Lupita were a real torture and we were frightened to be kicked out of the restaurant we played in.

Mariachi “Sun of Tlaquepaque”, Jalisco

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That tragic day—Tuesday, July 17, 1928—when I was attending a big banquet in “La Bombilla” restaurant honoring the elected president Alvaro Obregon who, being curious about some drawings shown to him, look at them, and Leon Toral killed him. After the shock, I entrusted his life to Christ the King, and he will forgive that young man because only God and he himself know why he did it.

Jesus Cristobal, waiter at the place
San Angel, Mexico

I thank Jesus for having invented Tinder. Since then I found a way to be invited to eat out at good restaurants every day.

Vicky C.
USA, 2009

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Tavern “Delicious fatty”

I dedicate this retablo as a sign of gratitude to Saint Paschal Baylon for giving my dishes the right taste and for a pretty waitress for the benefit of my tavern.

Chef Patiño

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Ostap from Berdichev thanks Saint Philip because that night when he had few too many in the restaurant “Mlin” (Mill) and went to pick up ladies who turned out to be the wives of the gypsy baron, the baron had three important meetings so he gave only a flick on the nose to the tourist and refrained from further argumentation.

Ostap Pshonka — Montenegro, 2015

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Dear Saint Paschal Baylon, help doña Tere so her restaurant would do well because it’s very delicious here.

Pepe Azcona

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Doña Concha’s tavern

Many thanks, Saint Paschal, because you gave good taste to doña Concha’s dishes. and one really enjoys her food.

Benito Carmona

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I worked as a bartender in a restaurant, but it went bankrupt and was closed. I was left without job. I thank Saint Charbel for I was taken to work in a famous nightclub for men. I’m very happy because apart from making more money, the beautiful girls who work there delight the eye.

Mateo N. — Guadalajara, Mexico

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The opening day in the doña Guadalupe’s tavern one of clients choked on a big piece of grilled neat. The woman was suffocating and even her eyes popped out. Doña Lupe thanks the Virgin of San Juan for the woman didn’t choke to death. Otherwise, it would have been bad luck for her tavern to have a dead customer.

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A horde of squirrels invaded the people’s houses. They were eating all the food, but the worst part was that they were smashing and dropping everything around. But thanks to our prayers to Saint Francis, a new restaurant with delicious food was opened in our town. So the squeamish squirrels lost their interest in our houses and went to destroy the restaurant.

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