I thank the Holy Virgin of Lourdes for curing my little daughter Maria who was sick with cough.
I thank the Holy Virgin of Lourdes for curing my little daughter Maria who was sick with cough.
Retablo by Javier Mayoral
Thank you Saint Jude Thaddeus for this miracle of safely crossing Rio Bravo when my family and I went illegally to USA looking for job.
Teodoro Llano Valdes
June 7, 1975, Queretaro
Retablo by Unknown artist #6
Doña Rosita Paredes’ kitchen was invaded by rats. She had a toddler and was afraid the rats might bite him. But thanks to Saint Paschal Baylon she managed to get rid of them with a broom, and the rats didn’t bite anyone. She offers this retablo to the saint.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
Señor Ponciano Fernandez moved from Spain to Mexico. He put a lot of work to open a jamon serrano factory there. He thanks Saint James for the business is going well and he even started to export.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
El Zapo dedicates this retablo to the Virgin of San Juan. He was taking drugs with el Pillo when the devil appeared to them and frightened them a lot. He implored the Virgin so nothing bad would happen to him. They promise to not take drugs anymore and ask the Virgin to not leave them alone since they are many like us at the streets.
July 12, 2000
Retablo by Luis Vilchis
Gilberto Velazquez was badly infected with lice and was even expelled from the school because of that. The boy thanks the Virgin of San Juan because his grandmother gave him a homemade remedy. All lice were gone, and he didn’t have to go bald.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I’m infinitely thankful to the Virgin of Guadalupe because I came through a very dangerous surgery when I was between life and death. I bring this retablo.
Alberto Torres
January 25, 1985
Retablo by Daniel Vilchis
My boyfriend Fernando and I dedicate this retablo to the Virgin of Toluca because we sing beautiful sacred hymns in duo, instead of those sinful songs we used to perform.
Retablo by Javier Mayoral
When I was going back home on my bike, a demon came out from a manhole blocking my way. The Virgin of the Solitude made a wonderful miracle and gave me wings for time enough to fly over the demon and escape.
July 5, 1967
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
My daughters didn’t get along and were constantly fighting. But when we moved to the beach, they started to play with the dolphins. It made them very happy so they became good friends. I thank the Virgin of San Juan for this miracle.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
Maria Cristina Sandoval, with great devotion, thanks Saint Rita with this retablo because with her journalist work she could break up a dog-fighting network.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Holy Child of the Virgin of Help, thank you for helping me out that night, on November 1. I didn’t make an altar for all the faithful departed. When I went to sleep the Death himself dressed as Catrina visited me. I pretended to be asleep and prayed to you, divine Child, until the Death was gone.
Yucatan, Mexico, 1932
Retablo by Unknown artist #21
I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for saving my husband from a heavy hemorrhage. The bleeding didn’t stop, he was choking with blood, and we implored to you, Holy Mother. We dedicate this retablo thanking you for having heard our prayers.
Retablo by Unknown artist #41