Virgin of Guadalupe

Thanks, Virgin, because after having walked till my friend’s feet bled he finally found a house near the central station where we two could live. In this way he saved me from the house of the narcos where I had lived for a year and he saved himself from the love he had lost in the house where he had lived with his dog before.

Thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, because my surgery went well and I already can keep on playing soccer.

Americo Sanchez

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Women together, not even dead. Holy Virgin, make all the dead women rest in peace.

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Thanks, Virgin of Guadalupe, because my daughter Juana came back home after running away with her boyfriend.

Matias Cruz

Thanks, Virgin of Guadalupe, for good harvest of pulque and mezcal. Thanks, Virgin.

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My bed used to go up in the air some nights. I didn’t know if it was a demon thing or what. I was very much frightened. But since I prayed a novena to the Virgin of Guadalupe, she looks after me and my bed doesn’t levitate. Sometimes it moves a little, but juste a little bit.

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Ausencio Lopez thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe because his agaves gave a lot of pulque. He sold it and got money to support his family. Here he asks you, from his heart, to always bless them.

October 17, 1980

Tlahuac, Mexico City

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Thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, because I prayed to you so you could liberate us from all the plagues in 2020, and the presidents Trump and Bolsonaro were abducted by an UFO. Now there is only COVID-19 left.

I was gravely ill with fever and had some horrible hallucinations. The most torturing was the one with the death on spider legs who was stinging all my body. I felt so much pain and fright that I implored the Virgin of Guadalupe…

Emiliana Garcia

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We are afraid of nothing. The Virgin looks after us.

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Virgin of Guadalupe, we thank you for we met each other 10 years ago in New York and made our love official. But today, after knowing about Donald Trump winning the US presidency, we decided to return to Mexico in fear of being deported and humiliated by his threatening and discriminatory ideas.

Ramon & Rosa, Puebla, 14–11–2017

I, Joana Morales, pay to the Virgin of Guadalupe with this exvoto because you have delivered me from illnesses, bad men and other dangers. Thanks!

Mexico City
April 11, 1982

Virgin of Guadalupe, I thank you for protecting me from this terrible 7,8 quake. Realizing what was happening I ran to help to recover children from under this school’s debris until the navy and police arrived.

Afternoon of September 19, 2017
Volunteer for my Mexico