Virgin of Guadalupe

My father didn’t like that I had a boyfriend, so Alejandro and I had to meet secretly. One night we were at the cemetery where no one could see us. We were sitting on a grave and talking when we heard a music. We saw the dead leaving their graves and having a party. They played instruments and danced. We were very much frightened. We thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for we could escape and the skeletons didn’t see us.

I dedicate this humble retablo to the Virgin of Guadalupe with eternal gratitude for saving the life of my son Manuel. He worked as a waiter in a restaurant in the World Trade Center, but on that September 11 he woke up sick and didn’t go to the work. Thanks to this miracle the Virgin saved him for me. My mother, I ask you for eternal rest for those innocent souls who died on that tragic day.

Socorro Alvarez

Protect me, Virgin, from a magic book. When I open it the creatures appear.

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A terrible devil rode around. He brought devastation and destruction. He put the forests on fire, killed poor creatures, until one day the Virgin of Guadalupe gave me enough courage to face the devil. I stayed on his way and poured the whole bottle with holy water on him. The devil became a smoke and evaporated. We thank the Holy Virgin for delivering us from the devil.

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The boy Alejandro Hernandez gives thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe because Mistico won over Averno. He thanks also his father because he bought him the Mistico’s mask which he wanted so much.

Arena Mexico

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February 20, I was painting graffiti and was shot by don Jose, policeman. In this mortal danger I implored you to save my life, Virgin of Gudalupe. You saved me, and now I’m alright and hanging out.

Jorge de Jesus
March 9, 1999

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Sr. Pedro thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe because he stepped away in time when a pot with liquid metal flipped over. He asked the Virgin to protect him and his coworkers from the factory.

Tasco, Guerrero
January 13, 1993

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I’m very happy in my old age. Thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe.

Pedro Zamora, 1975

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At a volleyball match, Catalino Fernandez hit his coccyx. It was very painful. He thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for he’s got healed and is back again to play volleyball.

Monterrey, 1950

Señora Yolanda thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for saving her husband David form dying during a dangerous heart surgery. He was hovering between life and death. For your favor I offer you this retablo.

January 25, 1999
Tacubaya, Mexico City

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The boy from the Capea thanks the Holy Virgin for saving him from death.

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An extraterrestrial visits me and asks a lot of questions. But thanks to Virgin he’s not a bad person.

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Thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe for saving me from my old lady Petronila’s machete, when she furiously attacked me, because I hadn’t been at home for four days, drinking pulque with my buddy El Chipujas. My old lady came and started swinging machete.

October 10, 1930