— tagged with “accident”

That day, February 13, 1944, the bull Zapatero hooked Silverio Perez between his legs and threw him over the head on the ground. Silverio got hurt badly. Then the bull kept dragging him all over the arena. We were all praying the Virgin of Guadalupe for Silverio. We were feeling his pain as ours because he had brought glory to us. We thanks for Silverio is recovered.

His fellow townsmen from Texcoco
May 10, 1944

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My daughter Evelia and I were chatting and forgot that we left a pot with mole on the stove. Meanwhile, we went to the market for turkey, and when we were back, we saw that the pan had been completely burnt and the mole strengthened the fire. It almost burnt our kitchen. We prayed Saint Paschal for help and began to extinguish the fire with the pot with water which miraculously was near to us. We thank the saint for helping us and promise to not be so careless.

Apolonia Tlachi
Zacatlan, 1946

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Eduardo Contreras thanks the Virgin of the Solitude for saving his life, when he was riding a motorcycle and was hit by a car.

My daughter Juanita tried to save a cat who fell in the well and stuck at a bump, but almost fell down as well. Only thanks to the Virgin of the Rosary’s protection her dress caught a nail. Her sister Marta managed to grab her and cried for help. I thank for that.

The cousins Ramon and Jose Lopes were fighting and one of them in fury sprinkled insecticides in the face of another one. The sprinkled kid was in bad condition. His parents thank Saint John Bosco for it didn’t get serious.

I was selling cold beer at the wrestling arena. I was distracted and didn’t noticed that the wrestler Superpig jumped off the third rope on his opponents but almost fell on me instead. I thank Saint Charbel because I stepped away in time. Otherwise he would’ve squashed me and my bucket of beer.

Panfilo Garza

Monterrey, 1982

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Thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, for saving me during that accident. January 1958, I was crossing a street and was hit by a car. My hip was broken, and I couldn’t walk for a year. I used a wheelchair. I prayed the Virgin of Guadalupe to help me to recover after many surgeries.

Fermin Guadarrama
Mexico City

Jesus Lopez was doing tricks on his motorcycle but it ended with a bad crash. He couldn’t recover for long time, so he prayed to the Virgin of Guadalupe. After that he got better very quickly. He is completely recovered and thanks for that.

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Graciela Monroy took a toke. In the euphoria, it was easy to her to chew up a glass. She ended up in the hospital. Her family thanks the Virgin of the Solitude for she recovered and will receive treatment.

The girl Carmelita Solares was riding her horse. Suddenly the animal reared up by seeing a horned vipers and the girl fell down. Her parents thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for nothing happened to her at the fall, and the viper didn’t bite her nor the horse. They offer this retablo as gratitude.

Mr. Joaquin Hernandez loved cigars. But one day a scoundrel put a firecracker in his cigar and it exploded right in his face. He ended up in the hospital. He thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for his recovery although the scars remain.

My son Fortino was carrying the gunpowder. One barrel fell down and exploded. Miraculously, he ran way and saved his life. We are at your feet thanking for this miracle.

The Garcia family
Guanajuato, Guanajuato, 1959

I wanted to add more realism to my character from the pastorale, and I had an idea to put more flares. By accident, I put the tail of my costume on fire. I thank Saint Michael the Archangel for one of my companions acted fast and found an extinguisher. If not I would have got all burned because everybody was thinking it was part of our performance.

Carmelo Rodriguez
Toluca, State of Mexico