Raquel Garcia dressed up as Wonder Woman for a party and picked up a very handsome man. She testifies her gratitude to Saint Anthony, with this retablo, for her good luck.
— tagged with “acquaintance”
Raquel Garcia dressed up as Wonder Woman for a party and picked up a very handsome man. She testifies her gratitude to Saint Anthony, with this retablo, for her good luck.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Rafael Nieto de Dios and Lola Mento Mialma give infinite thanks to the Almighty Lord of the Hearts from Huajapan de Lion for having met each other at the rehearsals of jarabe mixteco dance to go to Gelagetza.
2017, Oaxaca
Retablo by Emmanuel Espín
Gloria Ramirez thanks Saint Pancras, with this retablo, because when she was having a walk around Coyoacan she was lucky to meet painter Diego Rivera while he was peacefully napping. 1943
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
In Puebla, in 1945, in the pulqueria bar “Beautiful Elena”, my son fell in love with a lady. They moved together, but she befuddled him and made him a fool by going to another man. That’s why I implored the Virgin of the Solitude, and then my son was cured which I’m infinitely thankful for.
R. S.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I thank and order to make this retablo to the Holy Niño Fidencio and Holy Girl Aurorita for giving me the gift to fell madly in love when Ali went with me to a bonsai expo. When I saw her, I was completely captivated. Now we buy plants together, save dogs and always go to drink pulque.
Retablo by Rogelio Peña
Saint Francis, thank you for your favors. I remember when I met Damian he was a very timid boy. I told him that he has a baby-face, but it turned out that he was the same age as me. He was very shy, and when I talked with him he went beet red. One time some University fellows invited us to a party. Most of them brought their girlfriends. Damian asked me why I didn’t bring mine. I told him that I don’t like women. Then he said “What a coincidence, neither do I”. That’s how we became a couple. I thank for having fallen in love.
Osvaldo Gomez, 1966
Retablo by Viridiana Canseco Hernández
When I was very young, I had a beautiful experience of meeting Pedro Infante in person. He was shooting a movie in a few blocks from my house. Every day I was going to look him acting, and one day, after the filming, he came to me and gave me his sombrero. I thank Saint James the Apostle for having lived this moment which I never forget and for having this memory about my idol.
Teresita Islas \ Mexico City
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, because I met Pancho, a boatman, in Acapulco. I’m going to take him to New York with me.
Lynda Smith
Retablo by Jorge Bonola
I admired a famous model of men’s magazines. She was my platonic love. I dedicate this retablo to the Lord of the Wonders because one day she entered my repair shop when her car had broken down near by. It was the best day of my life. My dream to meet her came true, and she even gave me her autograph, and I took a photo with her.
Felix Romero \ Puebla, Mexico
Retablo by Flor Palomares
I’m infinitely grateful to Saint Paul the Apostle for having met Leo. He is my best client, and the last time he ordered me to be together he told me that it’d be our last time because he had to leave the country for work. But he was so generous, that the next day he surprised me by presenting me a car which will be a big help for me.
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Julia the Pretty, I infinitely thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for making me a miracle of finding a good man who loves me and doesn’t care about me being a whore.
January 4, 2004
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
Rosamaria Morales was drowning and was saved by a very handsome lifeguard. She fervently thanks Saint Anthony with the present retablo because now they are dating.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I thank my dear Saint Valentine for finding a husband for my sweet friend named Maria who is a virgin in her 35.
Maria de la O
Retablo by Maria Espert