— tagged with “boat”

I got this great idea to propose to my Chabelita in a trajinera-boat at Xochimilco. I thought it would be very romantic. But then I got so nervous I slipped and I fell into the lake. I give infinite thanks to Saint Anthony of Padua because I didn’t lose the ring—it fell inside the boat—and, despite this embarrassing moment, my fiancée said “yes” and made me very happy.

Genaro Roldan, Mexico City

I lived alone with my dog on a piece of land almost entirely surrounded by water, and we were happy in our world. One day, when sea ran high, we saved a beautiful girl from the water. Her boat had sunk. Since the moment we saw her, we feel in love with her, and she returned our love some time later. Now three of us live in this small and beautiful world of sand and sea.

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Señor Manuel and his son Alfredo thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for having a good catch. They bought the boat, and they thank with this for all favors. They ask for health to keep on fishing.

Veracruz, Mexico, May 15, 1990

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I give immense thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe who helped me when I fell of the boat and fainted. My dog Othello jumped into the water and drugged me until I gained my senses back and was able to get out.

Akumal, 2019

We thank Our Lady of the Solitude for bringing us to a safe harbor when we got caught by the hurricane Gilberto.

Crew of “Sirena II”

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One day my crew and I went for our regular tuna fishing. In order to catch more fish, we went far away to the sea with no idea that we’d caught in a storm. I wholeheartedly thank Saint Peter who took care of us, because we all were scared of dying, since the storm was terrifying, but thanks to his protection we managed to get back on firm ground and to our families.

Federico Muñoz — Baja California, Mexico

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I took my girlfriend for a romantic boat ride on the lake. But at the middle of the lake, a monster appeared out of water and tried to climbed into the boat. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for I reacted immediately, although I was frightened to death, and I was able to push the monster far away with a paddle. Then I rowed for the shore at full speed, and now my girlfriend thinks I’m a hero.

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Holy Virgin of Guadalupe, we ask you for the unrest souls who some night pass along the embankment, always having parties. My Mother, give them rest and eternal peace.

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Big luck you gave me, Virgin of Guadalupe, when I won a trip to Veracruz in a union raffle

Angela Matus

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We thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for saving us during the hurricane Gilberto.

Luis Alba & Rafa Masa

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I was coming back from fishing in my boat when I accidentally got myself into a part of lake I didn’t know well. Suddenly I stumbled upon three huge crocodiles. I got very scared because I had nothing to defend myself. That’s why I implored Saint Francis of Assisi for help, and then, by a miracle, those dangerous animals went away. I give thanks for that.

Rufino Villanueva — Tabasco, Mexico

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A beautiful mermaid attracted us with her singing right to the rocks. We were watching her combing her lovely green hair and didn’t see that we are going to crash into rocks. Our boat hit it and got a hole. We thank the Virgin of Zapopan we could scoop the water out till we got back to the beach. We guarantee we won’t let us be chanted by mermaids ever again.

I was fishing in my boat and was thinking how great would it be to catch something big. But it was something big that caught me instead. An enormous octopus climbed into the boat and seized me with its tentacles. I was lacking air in this fatal embrace. But then a flock of seagulls guided by a dove distracted the octopus and I got out. I pushed him out of the boat and rowed with all my might and escaped. I believe this dove was none other than Holy Spirit who came to save me. Thanks for the miracle.

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