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[…] a lady with a cow […] and a boy who was looking for his dog. I implored the Virgin of Guadalupe because I had no time to brake. The next moment they went out the tracks. I thank for that because I couldn’t have lived with such a massacre weighing on my conscious.

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My little daughter is a very good swimmer, but I still worried that she might swim far and couldn’t get back to the shore. So I thank the Holy Child because our faithful dog became her nanny and it brings her back every time after swimming. With such a helper I can rest and do not worry very much.

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The little Agustin Romero thanks Saint Augustine with this retablo for helping him to receive good marks in the school. Thanks to that his parents bought him a toy car.

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The Luis and Manolito Martinez’s dog had puppies, but the boys’ father threw them out. Thanks to Saint Francis the boys found the puppies in an alley when they were on their way to the school. They were able to save them because the dog of one of their classmates adopted them. Now the puppies are big and strong.

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When my husband went to work at the north, I felt very lonely and started to play guitar outside at night. Little by little my music attracted all the cats from our neighborhood. They came to listen me, and they were captivated by my music. My music affected not only the cats. Out of nowhere every time came the little boy and started to play his flute. And when he finished he went away without saying anything. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for this big company I have now.

My daughter Maria helped me with the laundry on the riverbank. She slipped on a stone, fell down to the bottom of the water. But the Virgin of the Ball sent two brave dogs to save her before she drowned. I thank the Virgin for the miracle, and now these two dogs live in our house.

My wife couldn’t have children and she suffered because she wanted a baby so much. We prayed Saint Raymond for a miracle, and the saint, in his infinite kindness, sent us two healthy twins. We thank Saint Raymond.

Antonio and Maria Garza

My son Miguel got ill with a fever. I was worried because he didn’t get better. I started praying to the Virgin of San Juan. The night, she sent her angels to blow over my son’s bed so that the fever would go away. I saw them in my dream, and then my son woke up fresh and healthy.

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We thank Saint Charbel for the miracle. We were permitted to adopt Jocelito, two months old. My beloved Pamela always dreamt about us being parents, so now we’re happy beyond all measure.

Pamela & Cipriano Cejuda
Mexico City — June 15, 2010

My husband and I had six daughters and no sons. We prayed to the Virgin of Refuge, and thanks to her miracle I finally gave birth to a son who is our happiness now.

When my pupil Alfonso fell in love with mr, I thought it was sweet. But then I saw that he was serious about it, and I got preoccupied. I prayed the Virgin of Guadalupe for help. Some time later she made a miracle. Alfonso lost his interest in me and switched to a new girl who moved from Guanajuato to us in the middle of the school year. I thank because it is she who will broke the Alfonso’s heart and not me.

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The young Ernesto Sanchez was given a rotten sandwich. He had diarrhea for a few days, as a consequence. No remedy helped him. He thanks the Holy Child Doctor for his recovery.

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