— tagged with “gifts”

10-years old Ricardo Ramos was playing and went in the woods too far from Sanchez Magallanes. There he saw a flying saucer. The UFO was flying over him and then landed. Ricardo saw a girl inside the ship. She showed him her strange toys. They were all different sizes. After having played for a while they said good bye to each other and were ready to go home. The girl gave a small box to Ricardo as a goodbye gift. The box performed different miracles. Now Ricardo has grown up, and he dedicates this retablo to Saint Michael the Archangel.

Tabasco, 1912

Higinio Snachez was taking care of the graves when suddenly the skeleton of his mother-in-wife appeared to him and gave him her jewelry. Higinio thanks the Holy Child of Atocha because his mother-in-law at least after dying stopped being a bitch.

My husband loved his fighting rooster very much. One day he rooster got sick and it greatly saddened my husband. I wasn’t particularly fond of the cock because y husband spent all his time with him giving him a lot of attention. But when I saw how deeply my husband cared for the rooster’s health, I went to the witch doctor. She gave me a potion. We gave it to the rooster, and he recovered quickly after that. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because my husband was so grateful for saving his rooster he treats me with gifts every day.

I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because all my pupils love me. They give me flowers, gifts and cards on holidays showing me their love.

Maria Luisa Rodriguez

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Luisa Maria Gomes had a lot of suitors. All of them tried to win her over but being dull and predictable they only annoyed her. And they weren’t handsome. One day she met Pedro Lopez. He conquered her heart by giving her a carnivorous plant. She thank Saint Anthony for such an original man who’s also smart and has beautiful eyes. And with this plant, there are no more flies and mosquitos in her house.

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La Catrina came to me and gave me a bird. Thank for she didn’t hurt me.

Lucy, 1971

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I wanted to surprise my family so I dressed up as Santa Claus and got in the house to put the gifts around. One thing I didn’t think through is that my dog Rambo wouldn’t recognize me. He attacked me and chased all around the house. I thank Saint Nicholas of Bari for my wife could hold the dog before he did more damage to the house and bit my Santa Claus costume in pieces.

Abelino Torres
Toluca, Mexico state

When I washed my daughter Rosita, I slipped on soap and hit myself very badly. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because after that all my family helped me with the work around the house. I was put in the bed, and my husband brought me sweets and flowers. So now I know they loved me very much.

I thank the Holy Spirit for the brand spanking new tractor I got for my birthday.

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I was watering my garden when suddenly the spaceship landed near. There were extraterrestrials coming from it. They have presents for me. They greeted me. Maybe they thought I’m a big ruler on the Earth and my dog is my prime minister. I gave them cookies and some lemonade, we talked a little bit without really understanding each other. They left the presents and go away very satisfied. I hope they won’t invade the Earth, because they gifts turned out to be very strange. I didn’t know what to do with them and put them on the fireplace mantel.

The little Agustin Romero thanks Saint Augustine with this retablo for helping him to receive good marks in the school. Thanks to that his parents bought him a toy car.

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Mrs. Maria Duran was gifted an antic painting that turned out to be very valuable. She brings this retablo to the Merciful Lord thanking for her good luck.

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I was very lonely but then a devil began visiting me. He was caring and attentive with me. I knew he was a devil, but his gifts conquered me. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because she sent me a good man and we fell in love with each other, so I forgot the devil because nothing good would have come of that relationship.