Señora Nayeli thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for her husband Daniel didn’t lose his arm when he cut himself with the knife while working in the butcher shop. She brings this retablo in gratitude.
October 17, 1985
Tacubaya, Mexico City
— tagged with “injuries”
Señora Nayeli thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for her husband Daniel didn’t lose his arm when he cut himself with the knife while working in the butcher shop. She brings this retablo in gratitude.
October 17, 1985
Tacubaya, Mexico City
Retablo by Daniel Vilchis
Ricardo Gutierrez was painting a graffiti on a wall. A neighbor got angry and let his doberman loose on him. With this retablo, he thanks Saint Benedict because his wounds have been healed and he didn’t get any infection. He promises to ask for permission next time.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Ramon J. and Luis N. got angry after a baseball game and kicked each other with the bats. They both ended up badly beaten. They thank Saint Charbel for healing, with this retablo, and promise not to be so violent to each other.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
The brothers Arnulfo and Armando were playing pirates, and one hit another’s eye with the sword. WIth this retablo, they thank the Holy Child of Atocha for nothing serious happened and it’s alright now.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
A car fell on the mechanic Ramon Lopez while he was repairing it. He thanks Saint Martin de Porres with this retablo for he was saved in time and his injures have been healed.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I was working on delivering the gas tanks when I saw a very beautiful girl passing by. I couldn’t resist but flirt with her. I was going flirty and a gas tank slipped from my hands and fell on my foot. I thank Saint John Bosco for not fracturing my foot. I only got a bruise on my big toe. I promise to be more serious while working,
Pánfilo Gómez \ Puebla, Mexico
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
I dedicate this retablo to Saint Patrick thanking him for being able to make hole in one, and thus win the Regional Golf Tournament. I’d injured my shoulder, and everyone had been telling I wouldn’t play again on professional level. I feel so happy to come back with such a great victory.
Francisco Sotomayor / Mexico City
Retablo by Flor Palomares
The boy Timoteo Gomez didn’t want to harm his little brother but knock out his two teeth with his yo-yo. He thanks the Holy Child of Atocha because their parents didn’t spank him till death and his brother feels better now.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
To you, Miraculous Virgin of Guadalupe, I offer this retablo thanking for saving my tit when I accidentally got it in my mortar while grinding corn. I was in a terrible pain but you helped me. I also thank you, Saint Paschal Baylon, because despite all this my mole wasn’t bitter and everyone liked it. I give thanks for this favor.
Agustina Perez—Puebla de los Angeles—August 17, 1937
Retablo by Rafael Rodriguez Contreras
I infinitely thank Saint Anthony the Great with this humble retablo for the miracle of healing wounds of my rooster El Pinto. The Blue Rooster was fighting very bravely and hurt mine very bad. Few days later my rooster had to fight him again and this time he won. Now he’s a best rooster in the whole state.
Fortunato Anaya – Aguascalientes, 1954
Retablo by Flor Palomares
I dedicate this retablo to Saint Francis of Assisi thanking him for saving my rooster Colorado. He came badly injured from a tough fight, and I was afraid he’d die. I’m very fond of him since he was a gift from my father.
Venustiano Peña ~ Aguascalientes, Mexico
Retablo by Flor Palomares
A cowboy Pantaleon Godines got a sore in his crotch from scratching the saddle. Since no remedy would help him he entrusted himself to Saint Pancras. The next morning the sore was gone, and he thanks for that.
Zacatlan, 1914
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Gilberto Martinez loved when his wife gave him lashes. But one day she got out of hand and gave him hell. He thanks Saint Elias for healing up and promises to control his fetish.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández