— tagged with “parents and children”

I thank Saint Anthony because my mother finally approved my fiancé Dagoberto Martinez and now we can get married on May 18, 1950.

Maria Lucia Rios

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I offer this retablo to the Holy Face of Jesus for helping me to get married and escape from my house, where, after my mother’s death, my stepfather tried to take liberties with me. I asked you to meet a good man who would love me. I’m happy with my husband now, and I thank you for that.

Teodora Mejia
May 5, 1944

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I thank the Virgin of San Juan because all my daughters inherited my ear for music, the passion and the ability to learn to play various instruments with ease.

Rodrigo Vasquez got involved with his boxing coach’s daughter. When her father found out about he kicked them both out his gym. Rodrigo thanks Saint John Bosco because they got married and he found another place for his training.

My son was going through a difficult age. One day he decided to learn to fly. He made a pair of wings with wire, some fabric and feathers he gathered in the field and in the hen-house. At dawn I saw that he had climbed on the big tree and was ready to jump. Praying to the Virgin of Zapopan, I ran to save him. I thought my son would gonna die. But the Virgin worked a marvelous miracle. My son didn’t fall but glided down and landed without hurting himself.

Doña Felecitas always meddled in the other people’s life, especially in her daughter-in-law Lupita’s. The poor girl didn’t know how to defend herself because her husband always defended Felecitas. He used to say that the mother is sacred and whatever she says or does is also sacred. One day Felecitas came to complain about shirts that had been supposedly badly washed. She wanted to hit her, but Lupe became furious and belabored her mother-in-law who was left stunned. Afterwards, Lupe, scared and confused, asked help from the Holy Blind Child. Her husband didn’t find out what happened. And her mother-in-law actually doesn’t bother her anymore. She even address to her politely and gently.

Lupita Anacleto
Puebla de Atempan, Puebla, 1987

Miraculous Lord of the Column, we, Aido Salcido and my beloved Rocio Gonzalez, thank you for all your help. Yes, we are different and aren’t quite understood by others, but have nothing to hide. Now we live together and it seems that our families and the people begin to understand us.

Coyoacán — March 15, 1974

Our daughter came to visit us and brought her fiancé. We got scared and had a nervous breakdown when we saw her with some odd freak who besides was a musician. We thank the Virgin of Zapopan because fortunately he turned out to be very conservative and serious young man who planned to become an accountant. We offer this retablo to the Holy Virgin.

I had a lot of problems with my family. But the Virgin worked the miracle, and they accepted my homosexuality.

Florencio Lopez
Mexico, November 17, 1970

My boyfriend used to visit me at night, climbing to my balcony. Since he’s a little bit dopey, one night he climbed to my parent’s balcony by mistake. Thanks to Saint Anthony they didn’t wake up because my father is pretty violent and he could have shot him, and my mother could’ve made us get married—which is much worse. And I’m not really into marriage right now.

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I publicly thank Saint Francis for helping me to hold my door while I was jerking off so my mother wouldn’t come and take me by surprise in the midst of my routine.

February 7, 2012

I thank the Holy Cross. I was so unlucky. My husband brought me to live to my mother-in-law’s house. But doña Petronila didn’t like me at all. She made my life miserable, and one day she even gave me a thrashing because I hadn’t washed the socks properly. But the Holy Cross made the miracle and softened her heart, so she doesn’t bully me anymore.

Rosalia Suarez

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R. M. was caught by her mother while masturbating in the tub. She thanks Saint Charnel with this retablo for overcoming the embarrassment caused to her and promises to be more careful.