I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe. A thief got into our building to steal. He tried to enter in the apartment by the roof. But he got tangled up in one of my underwear, so we managed to catch him.
July 1993
Jose Refugio Regalado
Mexico City
— tagged with “roof”
I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe. A thief got into our building to steal. He tried to enter in the apartment by the roof. But he got tangled up in one of my underwear, so we managed to catch him.
July 1993
Jose Refugio Regalado
Mexico City
Retablo by Unknown artist #4
I, Casimiro Vergara, give thanks to Saint Anthony of Padua for not losing my head when I climbed up to repair tv-antenna and discovered my son playing wrestling in my lucky underwear with his best friend. I almost fell down the roof after seeing it. I promised to pay an air-ballon trip for my son and his friend, walk the laika and commission this exvoto painted by E. Espin.
Tilzapotla, Morelos, 2011
Retablo by Emmanuel Espín
My brother Eduardo Davila was working at a building construction and fell off the roof. I saw him falling and entrusted him to God to save his life, in spite of falling from up high. But he continued to fall and broke his neck and fell on the lady who was selling tacos, and she lost the use of her legs after the blow.
Gulliermo Davila, August 16, 1974
Retablo by E. Collins
A hail storm ruined the roof of the corral. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because my husband, although very reluctantly, let the animals sleep in the house until he could repair the roof and until it won’t be so cold outside.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
After the freezing rain a tree behind my house almost hit the roof, but then came volunteers led by Yevgeny Grekov. Peter Kojin showed wonderful acrobatics while sawing off terrible branches. I thank my Guardian Angel for sending me these good people.
Retablo by Elena Bukina
The cats occasionally fall from the roof on the patio table my friends and I sit at. I thank my Guardian angel for no one from us has had a stroke from fear.
Retablo by Elena Bukina
My boyfriend and I were going adventurous and experimenting with new things. We got an idea to make love on the roof, behind the water tank. But we didn’t figure that a neighbor would go there as well to hang her laundry. I asked Saint Barbara for help, and we got an idea to meow like cats so the neighbor didn’t catch us in act. I give thanks for that.
Karla R. ~ Pachuca, Hidalgo
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
I thank Saint Lazarus who saved me from a trouble when a dog fell on my back. It fell off the roof tumbling me down when I was going for some beer. I even came out of soak with this damned fright. Think—if it would have fallen on my neck would I be telling this story? But I got up and am telling it.
A grateful Mexican from Huipulco, Mexico City
September, 2014
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
Edgar Ponce thanks the Holy Child of Atocha for surviving after felling down from the roof when he was fixing the tv-antenna. He got tangled in the cable, stumbled and fell down. He though he was going to die, he implored to you and knew you would save him. Edgar dedicates you this retablo.
Observatorio Mexico
Retablo by Luis Vilchis
Higinio Rojas was installing an antenna on the roof of his new house when he was struck by a lighting. He thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for he wasn’t fried with it but got just few burns.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
A hail storm ruined the roof of the corral. I thank the Virgin of San Juan because my husband, although reluctantly, let the animals sleep in the house until he could repair the roof and until it won’t be so cold outside.
Marina Rios
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
My neighbors were gossiping that my friend flirted with my husband. One day when I met her near the laundry sinks on the roof I grabbed her hair. Thanks to Saint Raymond, those rumors turned out to be pure lies. I made up with my friend, and the gossiping neighbors won’t upset us ever again.
Francisca Cruz ~ Villahermosa, Tabasco
Retablo by Flor Palomares
When I put my daughter Rosita in a boarding school, she became a sleepwalker. She walked on the roof of the school. I was very much worried that my daughter was in such danger, so I took her back from the school. I prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan to cure her, and the Holy Virgin worked a miracle. My Rosita doesn’t walk in her sleep anymore. I give thanks.
Sandra Lopez, Corrales de Rios
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar