My buddy Jasinto is a drunkard, party goer, gambler and womanizer. Holy Virgin make him behave well and deliver him from hell.
My buddy Jasinto is a drunkard, party goer, gambler and womanizer. Holy Virgin make him behave well and deliver him from hell.
Retablo by Luz Cadena
When I began to foster stray dogs from the street, my neighbors didn’t like this idea and gave me bad looks. But the Virgin of Guadalupe came to help me and changed their mind. They got attached to the dogs and were moved by they sad eyes. Now the neighbors help me to take care of the dogs and bring them food. I thank the Virgin for this miracle.
Retablo by Luz Cadena
The Day of the Dead, we went to see the altars made in the town for the dead. When we passing near by the cemetery wall we noticed a very elegant couple. When we get closer we saw in the lantern light that they were nicely dressed skeletons. We were so frightened, we got sick of fear. We thank the Holy Virgin for curing us.
Retablo by Luz Cadena
Frida asks the Virgin of Guadalupe that Diego wouldn’t be such a womanizer.
Coyoacan, Mexico City
Retablo by Luz Cadena
One night I discovered that my children had become friends with an enormous and horrible nagual. I tried to tell them that they shouldn’t approach him but they loved him so much they even brought him food and milk. So then I decided to try another way and asked the Virgin of Guadalupe for support. I sprinkled holy water on our house and over the lands, and the nagual wouldn’t dare to approach it anymore. <…>
Retablo by Luz Cadena
I enjoy cooking very much. I think that’s why my food taste so good—I make it with all my love. My cooking is so good that even the angels come over to my kitchen to eat something. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for giving me such passion and this wonderful gift.
Retablo by Luz Cadena
We thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for having guided us during our peyote trip in the desert in which we saw various wonders such as flowers of incandescent light and improbable animals that showed us the way and illuminated our path. We came back from this trip much wiser and more tolerant to the other human beings, and also more understanding.
Retablo by Luz Cadena
Since we needed money so badly, I decided—after noticing that the prostitutes from the Rosales street earned quite a good money—to try this thing. I put on a blouse in which I looked very beautiful, took my sister’s skirt, borrowed high heels shoes and went to the Rosales street. First, a horrible drunk old man hit on me. He wanted me to go with him but I ran from him. Then came the police and tried to put us in jail, but I managed to escape. I thank Saint Raymond, and I suppose it’s better to work in a bakery.
Retablo by Luz Cadena
When my husband was alive, he didn’t spend time with our daughters. But now, when he’s dead he visits them often and plays with them.
Retablo by Luz Cadena
The Day of the Dead, the dead came out of their graves to have fun. They choose my tepacheria place to dance and play music. I was scared, and all customers who were alive ran away. I thought I was going to earn nothing and only to lose money that night. But thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe the skeletons turned out to be good clients. When they went away—because of the rooster—they left me various gold coins which were very valuable.
Tepacheria is a bar where they serve tepache, a fermented beverage made from the pineapple peel.
Retablo by Luz Cadena
The land in our village was dry. There wasn’t much green around either. But the day Victor and I got married a miracle happened. Everything started flourishing, the fields became green, and hundreds of birds flew over to celebrate our happiness. It was really magical, since the miracle went on. It rained more often, and the crops were abundant. We thank the Virgin of Guadalupe, and we promise to protect our love.
Retablo by Luz Cadena
We went fishing at dawn. Suddenly we heard laughs and music. Then we saw a boat on which a lot of skeletons were celebrating the Day of the Dead. They called us to join their party. We prayed the Virgin of Guadalupe, and thanks to her a strong wave took us away from them. We managed to come back home safe and sound.
Retablo by Luz Cadena
In the last months, my daughter had horrible nightmares. She used to wake up frightened and crying. I was praying to the Virgin of Guadalupe so that she’d deliver my girl from those scary dreams. Few days after, my daughter stopped seeing them. Now she sleeps calmly and wakes up fresh and happy. I thank the Holy Virgin.
Retablo by Luz Cadena