Selva Prieto Salazar

Carlota Valdez got slightly sick and went to bed early. Suddenly she saw that she was being attacked by red devils who began to torture her with their tridents. She prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan, and the Virgin sent a group of angels to chase the devils away. The devils ran away scared of their luminous presence.

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My daughter was a young beautiful girl, and she had many suitors. The bad part was that she was a magnet for the most weird characters in the world. My husband and I looked at all those types who visited my daughter with horror to such degree that when our neighbor’s son began to date her we welcomed him with great enthusiasm, in spite that we always thought he was slightly dumb. We thank because the weird guys don’t come to our house anymore.

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I went to look for some lost sheep when suddenly filthy demons crossed my way and began to torment my horse that got very frightened. I implored Saint Barbara, and then she came with her shining sword and chased the demons back to where they belonged. They ran to hell, leaving us in peace. I’m thanking for this miracle.

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I took my children to visit my grandmother who lived far away from the village. Night caught us on our way back, and I decided to take a shortcut through the forest near the river. There hundreds of bats came on us beclouding the Moon and we were very frightened. I was scared the bats would bite my children and suck their blood. I prayed the Virgin of the Rosary, and she protected us till we got home. I thank for her protection.

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I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for having sent me the warning about a hailstorm coming. Having this presentiment, I had time to put all my animals inside the house. Otherwise, they would have suffered and got sick outside. Together we passed a calm night, warm and safe.

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Our mule had always been very docile. But one day when we needed to get to San Martin earlier to take the better place to sell our flowers it got stubborn and refused to walk. More we pushed him, more he resisted. Then we asked Saint Francis for help. And he must have whispered something into the mule’s ear because suddenly the mule shook his ears and started walking. We managed to take place near the church and sold all our flowers. We thank for this miracle.

When we were coming back home from the town fair, we met a headless horseman on our way. The sight of the ghost made our hair stand on end and our blood freeze in the veins. But the Virgin of Zapopan protected us, and the horseman passed by without seeing us and didn’t do anything to us. But the next day we saw that our hair turned gray from fright.

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I took my piglets to the river to wash them because they stunk very much. Suddenly a strong current came from the mountain and took us down the river to the waterfall. I thank Saint Francis who protected us so we didn’t get hurt falling on the rocks nor drowned. We managed to get out to the bank safe and sound.

The animals from our farm went sad and lost their appetite. We didn’t know what happened with them. They stopped eating, and we were scared they would die. So we entrusted them to the Holy Child of Atocha who miraculously intervened, and the animals recovered and look better than ever. The hens lay many eggs, the cow gives much more milk, and the piglets look fatter. We give thanks.

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We live far from the town, and my little son had no kids in the neighborhood to play with. One day he told me he got a friend. I thought it was an imaginary friend, but then I saw, to my surprise and fear, that it was a big nagual whom he played with. The creature looked friendly but any way I felt scared and prayed to the Virgin asking for help. The help came when the daughter of our close neighbor Don Romo came to live with him with her three children who made friendship with my son. The nagual got scared with so many people and didn’t approach my son again. Next year my son will go to school, and he’ll have many more friends.

The angels and the demons were fighting in my head every time I had to remember about the painful past and the mistakes. They were making such noise and racket that I was afraid to go insane. I asked the Virgin of the Rosary for her intervention, and she came to establish order. She sent the demons back to the hell and the angels to do something useful at the heaven. They left my head, and now I can forgive and forget my past and have piece.

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A strange plant began to grow in my garden. Since it was beautiful, I let it grow. But it grew and grew, and one day it put the stems in the window and tried to catch me and my kids. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because I had a coffeepot in my hand. I sloshed the hot coffee on the plant, and it let me free and went away. I called my husband, and he cut this plant by the roots. I thank the Virgin because we didn’t end up as a meal in the stomach of the plant.

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Some crocodiles came from the river to my kitchen. They were very happy staying there. I had no idea how to chase them away. I couldn’t cook beaqcuse I was afraid they bite my leg off. I prayed Saint Paschal Baylon to help me get my kitchen back. He blessed my broom that right away seemed shining. I knew it was a miracle, so I got on a stool and began to swipe the crocodiles out. The blessed power of my broom scared them a lot, and they went away. I give thanks.

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