I thank Saint Martin de Porres with this retablo for the miracle of me staying away from this vice of alcohol. I stayed in the canteen all day long and didn’t feed my family.
Sra. Josefina Trejo Guzman
April 4, 1979, Manzanillo
I thank Saint Martin de Porres with this retablo for the miracle of me staying away from this vice of alcohol. I stayed in the canteen all day long and didn’t feed my family.
Sra. Josefina Trejo Guzman
April 4, 1979, Manzanillo
Retablo by Unknown artist #6
The young man Ruperto Coyotzi was going to be shot dead by order of a general. He gives thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe, because his mother’s prayers were heard and he got a pardon, although he received forty lashes.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Edgar Ponce thanks the Holy Child of Atocha for surviving after felling down from the roof when he was fixing the tv-antenna. He got tangled in the cable, stumbled and fell down. He though he was going to die, he implored to you and knew you would save him. Edgar dedicates you this retablo.
Observatorio Mexico
Retablo by Luis Vilchis
Señor Dario summons a being. We pray so he won’t do it.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
I thank the Virgin of Perpetual Help for having saved my son from dying when a truck hit the bus in which he traveled.
Micaela Horta
Guadalajara, Jalisco, May 10, 1950
Retablo by Unknown artist #61
In the municipality of Queretaro, Luisa Gomez got sick with a severe pain in her stomach after giving birth. She was given medicine but it wouldn’t help. Then she entrusted herself to the image of the Lord of Anxieties and recovered shortly after that.
Retablo by Javier Mayoral
A piledriver move was used against the wrestler El Colibri. His spine was injured. Since no medicine would help him, he implored Saint Pancras and recovered. He dedicates the present retablo as gratitude.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I thank Saint Quiteria of Frexeiras for not letting the witchcraft done by my ex-wife damage my body or my house.
Pedro Enrique Regis, Aracaju
Retablo by Severino Silva
Florino Rodriguez mistakenly entered into his neighbor’s room and was welcomed with bullets because the neighbor hated the fags. Florino thanks Saint Pontius Martyr for he was not wounded by such a big pistol.
Tlaxcala, 1940
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I was participating in the quebradita contest with my group. When my partner lifted me up, my pants cracked really bad. I was really scared that because of me all my partners were going to be disqualified by the judges. I thank Saint Jude Thaddeus for the judges didn’t notice this embarrassing moment and we won the first prize.
Guillermina Sanchez ~ Sinaloa
Retablo by Flor Palomares
I was sleeping peacefully in my bed when I felt like floating. I opened my eyes and saw that I was being abducted by little purple extraterrestrials who were carrying me to their spaceship. Terrified, I invoked the Virgin of Zapopan, and the next moment my dog came and started barking furiously at the aliens. They got scared and dropped me. I ran to the house and locked myself inside. I was saved from horrible experiments these little men would have done on me.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
I thank for not being sick or, above all, going crazy because whomever I told about this they said it was impossible. The womb movements discovered my femininity.
Tammi, 2018
Retablo by Teresa Irene Barrera
I dedicate this retablo to my mother thanking her for giving me life and blessing me. My life has been always filled with Faith, Hope and Love. And there, in heaven, where she’s resting now, she won’t leave me alone in my mission because the art is the real miracle. I also dedicate this retablo to my wife for her love and constant support; to my children for their loving friendship and honesty; to the society and people who enjoy my work and let me tell about stories, facts, visions and imaginations from my beloved Mexico.
From Mexico to the world.
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis