I dedicate this retablo to Saint Pacras because with his help I could find a costume which I think is from Russia. With this costume, I won the first prize at the holiday party in honor of the patroness of Queretaro.
I dedicate this retablo to Saint Pacras because with his help I could find a costume which I think is from Russia. With this costume, I won the first prize at the holiday party in honor of the patroness of Queretaro.
Retablo by Javier Mayoral
A mermaid fell in love with my Manuel. She was so jealous with me she grabbed my hair and tried to drown me taking to the bottom of the sea. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because Manuel had enough strength to not let the mermaid take me and he saved me.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
Holy Virgin, thank you for saving my sick son Pedrito from death.
Maria Rey
21–V–90, Mexico
Retablo by David Mecalco
My son David was flying his kite, and dogs that seemed rabid bit him. We thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for the dogs weren’t rabid and David didn’t have to go through vaccine shots.
September 19, 1961
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
Agustin Fernandez married a very jealous woman, and he suffered a lot. He prayed Saint Augustine, and with his help his wife calmed down her jealousy. Now they are very happy and thank for that infinitely.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Graciela Beltran went to visit her aunt. When she got back two days later she found out that her house was invaded by lizards, snakes and even an iguana. The reptiles were walking freely around the sitting-room, kitchen, bedroom, they were sitting in the bathroom, some of them even got in her bed. Graciela was in despair and had no idea how to get rid of those creatures. When she threw one of them out, more of these crawled back to her house. She implored the Virgin of Zapopan, and the Virgin got rid of them very quickly. Who knows where she led them, but they were gone and left the house.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
My husband Edilberto bet me one thousand pesos that I will never learn to drive. Although I had to face some troubles at the beginning, thanks to Saint Barbara I got my driving license. I teach my husband a lesson and got my thousand pesos.
April 17, 1967
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
I was losing my mind because of the noise made by the cats that came to visit the three female cats of my neighbor. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because thanks to my prayers the neighbor moved out and now I sleep well.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
Ceferino de la Garza brings the present retablo to the Lord of the Lightnings because he won the wood chop contest, although did injure his arm a bit.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I, Estefania Aldama, declare that on June 25, 1937, I was giving birth completely alone. In such hard condition I prayed the Virgin of Guadalupe with all my heart so she would take care of me and my baby. The Virgin showed me her mercy, and I give thanks to her with this retablo.
Mexico City, 1945
Retablo by Gustavo Villeda
With this humble exvoto I ask the Holy Child Football player so that everything would go well for our national team at the world championship in Russia. So that we wouldn’t end up with penalties, and Ochoa would take everything, and Chicharito wouldn’t fail us, and they wouldn’t penalize us—like in case with Robben when there was no foul—and so we would stay at least till the fifth game to bring some joy to our very devastated Mexico.
Cuahutémoc Márquez \ México
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
Elenita Ramirez was playing throwing the cat by its tail until the cat got fed up with this and scratched and bit her. She thanks the Holy Child of Atocha with this retablo because her injuries have been healed. She promises to stop being such a mean person.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
My neighbors were gossiping that my friend flirted with my husband. One day when I met her near the laundry sinks on the roof I grabbed her hair. Thanks to Saint Raymond, those rumors turned out to be pure lies. I made up with my friend, and the gossiping neighbors won’t upset us ever again.
Francisca Cruz ~ Villahermosa, Tabasco
Retablo by Flor Palomares