— tagged with “Mexico City”

I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because on my first intercourse with my boyfriend, I found the love and the happiness I dreamt of with the love of my life. Bless our love for ever, I’m asking you from the bottom of my heart.

Concha P.
February 14, 2000
Mexico City

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I thank the Archangel of the Neighborhood for guiding my son Pancho on the righteous way. In such young age he was already an alcoholic, and it was breaking our hearts. He got involved with bad company and had a lot of problems. He made all family suffer, because we love him so much. With all his heart, he swore to stop drinking. We ask you to help him in that.

Grateful parents
Tacubaya, Mexico City
May 10, 2000

The Sanchez Galindo family thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe with this retablo because all of them managed to arrived safely to La Villa after a long pilgrimage.

Villa de Guadalupe is a neighborhood in northern Mexico City which in 1531 was the site of the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

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With this drawing, I want to thank Saint Francis for the miracle he made. Your slave Juan Luis Rubert had some drinks in the bar. On the way back, I was riding a horse and hit my head on a badly planted tree. I fell off the horse and broke two ribs and one leg. On top of everything I was stung by a viper.

However, that moonless night Saint Francis heard my prayers. He sent me my neighbor Geniero, who was passing by on his donkey. He took me to the hospital where I met Dr. Paty and fell in love with her.

Mexico City — December 2013

Barbershop «Gold Fringe»

I thank Saint Jude Thaddeus with this retablo because he didn’t leave me when I so needed him. I was going to close my shop, because of lack of clients. But one day a deputy came to my shop and asked for a haircut. He was so pleased with it that he recommended me to his family and the friend from high society. And my life changed.

Basilio Trejo
Mexico City

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I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for sending me relief from my painful arthritis right in time, when I needed. So I could take this important ride that we had dreamt about for months. I asked for that with all my heart, and the Virgin granted my wish. We had a marvelous day. I was so happy to move again and to do sports. This favor was so special for me.

Mrs. Bone
Mexico City — June 22, 2003

Lord of Chalma, I dedicate this retablo to you because my sister gave birth to her son and they both are good.

Luis Angel Vilchis
Mexico City — December 24, 2000

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Virgin of Guadalupe, I dedicate this retablo to you in the name of the women cowardly killed in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua. I ask you, with all my heart, to repose their souls in the paradise, for the sake of their families’ comfort

Mexico City — January 25, 2004

I, Vicente from the José López Portillo neighborhood, lost my job. I had no education, so I decided to pursue the american dream and went as illegal immigrant to USA. I heard a lot about it from my neighbors. During the river-crossing my two guides, whom I had payed, left me to the mercy of fate. In a danger moment when I almost got caught, I prayed to the Our Lady of all Mexicans. She helped me and I arrived to USA. I promised her a retablo. After many troubles, things were getting better. Now I’m coming back home and I keep my promise.

Mexico, 1990

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The boy Manuel thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for El Mistico won over Doctor Wagner at the Arena Mexico. The boy’s father had promised him that, if El Mistico would win, he would take Manuel to see every fight of his idol.

I thank Saint Jude because my boyfriend Juan Bueno finally found the viagra at the Lagunilla market.

Dulce Amable

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I thank you, Virgin of San Juan, for I found my resignation. For a long time I couldn’t believe that Maria had left me. Although I wanted to drown my grief in alcohol, there was always somebody who was worrying about me. I ask you, Virgin, to protect my brother.

Pedro Mejia
Mexico City
April 17, 1983

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I’m thanking the Virgin of Guadalupe for seeing with my own eyes the infidelity of my fiancée whom I wanted to marry. But because I saw her with another man, I left her and thus I escaped future infidelities.

Jose Tellez
Mexico, 1967

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