Cristobal Rodriguez was in the field, and some horrible eyes appeared to him. They didn’t stop following him, and he was very much scared. But he implored the Holy Heart, and you delivered me.
Michoacan, 1922
Cristobal Rodriguez was in the field, and some horrible eyes appeared to him. They didn’t stop following him, and he was very much scared. But he implored the Holy Heart, and you delivered me.
Michoacan, 1922
Retablo by Christopher Rodriguez Contreras
Protect us from Super Trump.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
I thank the Holy Heart of Jesus because through the COVID-19 contingency the chamochelas kiosks weren’t closed. Thanks.
Susana Distancia (Your healthy distance)
Only one person in line. Thank you!
Please, keep your healthy distance.
Chamochela is a beer-based drink prepared with lemon, salt, chili powder and savoury sauce.
Retablo by Citlally Gho
Honorina Carrasco dedicates this retablo because when I entered the bathroom I found my old man in the bath with a martian gay and kicks him out with a stick.
Mexico, 1988
Retablo by Rafael Rodriguez Contreras
One night when I was sitting home in quarantine, the martians invaded my yard. I believe they wanted to conquer our planet because there were many of them and they came with their families. Only my doggy Juanito stayed outside because they said that the pets don’t get the coronavirus. I thank the Holy Heart of Jesus because the martians weren’t immune to the virus and they returned to their home without hurting me.
Retablo by J. C. Salgado
I thank the Holy Heart for not having COVID-19 so I could dedicate more time to reading and meditating.
Moscow, April 24, 2020
Retablo by Ann Starkey
I thank the Holy Heart because I learnt to work with a yoke and don’t need my drunk husband anymore.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
I, Flaviano Rodriguez, pay you, Holy Heart, with this retablo for saving me from faces with bones that jumped on me in the field. I implored you, and you saved me.
Oaxaca, 1924
Retablo by Christopher Rodriguez Contreras
I saved my piglet with your help, Holy Heart.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
Julio Estrada loved to dress up like Gene Simmons, and his wife loved his look very much.
Mexico, September, 16, 1988
Retablo by Rafael Rodriguez Contreras
The pig I was going to kill for the feast chased me. Thanks for he didn’t catch me.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
I went to swim and dive to watch fish. Then I met face to face with a sea monster. I was in fright thinking that he was going to attack me with its claws, since it was half-devil, half-man and half-fish and he had giant claws. But thanks to the Holy Heart the monster seemed to get scared more than me when he saw me, so he swam away rapidly. I felt relieved but still—until the mister changed his mind and came back—I swam back to the beach.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
I love swimming in the sea. But one day I was caught by two mermaids who dragged me to the bottom of the sea with intentions of kidnapping me and making a shark bait from me. I prayed the Holy Heart, and it made a miracle of giving me enough strength so I could escape and save myself. I swam to the beach, and I thank for that. Now, to avoid this happening again, I swim one in the pool.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar