Testimony of gratitude to the Virgin of the Solitude for saving us from the hurricane Gilberto.
Crew of “Sirena”
Testimony of gratitude to the Virgin of the Solitude for saving us from the hurricane Gilberto.
Crew of “Sirena”
Retablo by Jorge Bonola
I give thanks to you, Virgin of the Solitude, for I was able to catch my boyfriend and bring him back to the church to say “yes” for ever.
Amalia, Oaxaca, Mexico, 1967
Retablo by Rogelio Peña
Agustina Servantes went to the pond for water. Since it was late, she met a couple of coyotes. She thanks the Virgin of the Solitude for they didn’t catch her and she came back home safe.
Puebla, 1920
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Coming back from Punta Morena after a day of fishing, we were caught by a terrible storm. We were pushed to the rocks but fortunately we passed by. Thank you, Virgin of the Solitude, patroness of the seamen, for saving us.
Miguel Santos, Luis Valle, Juan Soto
Retablo by Jorge Bonola
When I saw this scene on my cel phone and saw how they apprehended our teacher and going to hurt her, I got very angry. I entrusted her to the Virgin of the Solitude, the patroness of Oaxaca, and asked to protect her in their fight for the decent education for Mexico. We thank for she’s free now, because 6 persons were dead, 21 detained, 94 injured and many arrested. Let them know that they aren’t alone. Pupils and parents, we support the teachers.
Nochixtlan, Oaxaca, June 31, 2016
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
Herlindo Ortiz thanks with this retablo. When we went for fishing we were attacked by some enormous sea monsters.
Baja California, July 18, 1940
Retablo by Rafael Rodriguez Contreras
My ex-husband kept bothering me and scaring off my suitors even many years after his death, and you, Virgin of the Solitude, made him go away for ever.
Julia — Oaxaca, Mexico, 1969
Retablo by Rogelio Peña
I had to move to live in Europe for many years because of work, and I couldn’t return to Mexico. I thank the Virgin of the Solitude with this retablo because thanks to the classic Mexican movies which I took with me I felt closer to my roots. Especially the movie “Maria Candelaria”. It was my grandparent’s favorite and I watched it with them when I was little.
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
Thank you, Virgin of the Solitude, for helping me so Jose The Bull didn’t break our relationship. He’s very jealous when other wrestlers talk with me. I, The Chameleon.
Mexico, March 21, 1989
Retablo by Rafael Rodriguez Contreras
A seamstress Domitila Betansos brings this retablo to the Virgin of the Solitude giving her thanks because she met the painter Frida who gave her a great present—a sewing machine that she lacked so much.
Puebla, 1939
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
To Our Lady of the Solitude, I give thanks because my godfather Rufino’s legs got better and he’s back to the field.
Chole Perez
Retablo by Jorge Bonola
I thank you, Virgin, for the kitty didn’t eat the baby bird that fell off the nest.
Virgin of the Solitude, bless this home.
Retablo by Emmanuel Espín
Saint patroness of Oaxaca, queen of the Oaxacans, Holy Virgin of the Solitude, in these times of crisis, illness, I implore you to help. Holy Mother, help your town, do not leave us and protect us from this evil. Give us hope and hear your sons calling you before this devastating pandemic. Protect us, Holy Virgin, I beg you.
May 31, 2020
Retablo by Cheni Velazco Santibañez