The spaniard Pedro Velazquez came to Mexico and established a production of jamon serrano with an unique taste. WIth this retablo, he thanks the Lord of the Wonders for his success.
— tagged with “business”
The spaniard Pedro Velazquez came to Mexico and established a production of jamon serrano with an unique taste. WIth this retablo, he thanks the Lord of the Wonders for his success.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I was carrying my oranges to the town to sell them. But I got a bad idea to ride the donkey. Since I’m slightly fat, plus the weight of the oranges, the ground and the donkey’s legs couldn’t bear it. We fell on the slope from the hill which is very steep. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because we fell down some bushes and I didn’t brake any bones, nor did my donkey. The oranges got smashed but I borrowed a bucket and made juice from them. In that way I even made more money than with the whole fruits.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
Luis Dias brings this retablo thanking the Holy Child of Atocha for the success he had with his bottle factory. He distributes them in various countries.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
The Coca-Cola’s employee Raul Hernandez thanks Saint James for his good sales. He was payed the bonus to the best salesman of the year, so he got good money.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Jovita Fernandez, 34, was dumped by her husband. She was left alone, without job and with 5 kids. She opened a bar, and she was doing so well that she bought a house and payed for all her kids’ education. She thanks the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception and offers this retablo.
Tonala, Chiapas, 1970
Retablo by Adan Pacheco
I thank Saint Paschal because in this season of chiles en nogada I was selling them very good. Many people ask me what’s the secret of its taste. And I answer that it’s the love I put into while cooking them and my eternal devotion to Saint Paschal.
Obdulia Reyes
Cholula, Puebla
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Everyone who tasted my sauces made in molcajete pestle told me they are very delicious. So I decided to start selling them. I thank Saint Paschal for the thing have been going well and even people from other cities come to buy them.
Petronila Sanchez, Oaxaca
Retablo by Flor Palomares
The ice cream man thanks Saint Nicholas of Bari because he helped him so the ice cream mafiosi didn’t get him out. I didn’t join their organization, so they start to throng dow my ice creams. I ask Saint Nicholas for help, and the Tick Man miraculously came to help me. He protected me from the attackers. Thanks to him, I can keep selling my ice cream without any problem.
Mexico City, 2010
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Marcos Bortolotti thanks Saint John Bosco with this retablo because the thing at his cheese factory are going very well, he even thinks about exporting.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Teresa Aguilar thanks Saint Nicholas for the things in her jewelry shop are going well although she caught a couple of robbers lately.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Socorro Aguilar dedicates this humble retablo to Saint Isidor Labourer because she’s doing well selling her flowers to the tourists who pass in Xochimilco by trajineras boats. She makes their day with beauty and colors.
Xochimilco, Mexico
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Roberto Saldivar brings this retablo to Saint Bruno because he finally opened his car wash shop and the things are going great.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Marcela Ramos and her friend Graciela were vending near the church. Marcela was selling fruits and punch, and Graciela was selling quesadillas. One day they didn’t sale a lot so they decided to keep working till late. It could happened—they thought—a hungry man would pass and would buy something. Some time later, they noticed a cheerful company approaching them. They were singing and laughing. But the they came closer, they resulted to be skeletons escaped from the cemetery. Graciela ran away, and Maricela decided to stay and to see if the skeletons would pay for what they were eating. They paid with old gold coins. They even paid for Graciela’s quesadillas. Maricela thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for giving her courage to stay and to not run away from skeletons. Thanks to that she had a good profit that night.
Retablo by Luz Cadena