— tagged with “celebration”

The Santo Tomas inhabitants thank because the fair finally came to their town, as all the years before. Everybody, and especially kids, enjoy very much the carousel.

I thank the Virgin of San Juan because my dad managed to organize my 15th birthday party and I danced with the most handsome boys of the school.

Since the rains continued for a long time, we couldn’t work, because the materials deteriorated. We prayed to the Virgin of San Juan because we were scared we would be fired because we weren’t working. But the engineer understood us and didn’t fire us. He even celebrated the Day of the Holy Cross with us. We present this humble retablo, as we promised.

Michoacan, 1970
Lucio and Evelio Grajales

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That’s how we celebrated that night till dawn with the adelitas (women soldiers) who had taken Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, with the Zaragoza brigade. Thanks to our protectress, Holy Virgin of Guadalupe, the town was surrounded to my general Francisco Villa. Saturday, November 15, 1913, there was a clear victory. Look after our women who risked their lives for this cause.

Simon Trejo

Granddaughter of doña Cleotilde Ramos is a very restless child. And at her birthday she spilt on herself the boiled stew that was on the stove. Her grandmother thanks the Virgin because her granddaughter Marianita didn’t burn herself very badly and they were able to celebrate her birthday.

After the wedding ceremony my fiancé and I ran to the beach. There we took off our shoes and celebrated the beginning of our life together. Then we took a horse and came back to the party. All the old ladies looked at us with reproach but we didn’t care bakes nothing could darken our illimitable happiness.

During the Lupita’s piñata, my son was hit by a stick. His head was wounded, and he was bleeding. I was scared that he’d become an idiot, so I prayed to the Virgin of the Rosary. Thanks ti her my son had no bad consequences and recovered very quickly.

The construction of the foreman Margarito Corona dedicates this retablo to the Virgin of Guadalupe because she helped them to arrive to the Day of the Holy Cross without any mishap and to celebrate it with hard work.


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On the Day of the Dead, the Martinez sisters were coming back from the market and met two skeletons who were celebrating their feast. The sisters ran to the church and prayed for the rest of the souls of the departed. The sisters thank the Virgin of San Juan because after they fulfilled this commitment they arrived home in time to prepare lunch for their husbands.

The Sunday I made a tasty mole for my husband’s birthday dinner. But I dropped the pot, it fell and broke into pieces. The mole spilled on the floor. I felt miserable and didn’t know what to do because our guests were about to arrive. I was smitten with remorse so I entrusted myself to Saint Paschal. After that I picked up the mole in another pot. By the miracle it looked like it didn’t fall on the ground. On the contrary, it was tastier, and nobody became ill after eating it. I give thanks.

We dedicate this retablo to the Virgin of San Juan for a great fishing. Thanks to that I managed to save money for my daughter Laura’s 15th birthday.

Juan and his son Pablo Megia
Veracruz, Mexico
September 11, 2001

I thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe for my 90 years and for I managed to create such a beautiful family.

Mrs. Dolores
Oaxaca, Mexico, 2015

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