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My daughters had become very mischievous and disobedient. But since we adopted an ugly homeless dog and gave it a good bath and got rid of fleas, the girls’ behavior has improved a lot. They are happy with the dog. They discharge their energy playing with it. Although the dog is ugly, it’s very kind and affectionate.

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Juan Manuel Perez was playing hide-and-seek with other kids and saw a black cowboy in the granary. He appeared out of blue and said to the boy that he would tell him about treasures hidden in this very place. Juan got very scared and prayed the Virgin of Guadalupe. After that, the rider disappeared. Juan has grown up and now offers the Virgin this retablo.

November 18, 1958

I was going down the stairs from the roof carrying the washing and stumbled on my son’s toys. I was worried that something bad would happen with my baby and ask the Holy Virgins for protection. And my baby was born healthy.

Guadalupe Silva
Mexico City, July 18, 2000

Carmen Sandoval left her son for a moment, and he got his hand into the stove. She thanks the Virgin of San Juan for his recovery and for saving his life from the burns.

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My husband Genaro and I dedicate this retablo to the Holy Heart. Our daughter Sonia had pains in her stomach. The doctor said she had drunk too much Coca-cola. I had to look the other side and my husband covered his mouth with the hand to not laugh at the doctor’s toupée.

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One morning, I opened a window, and then hundreds of wasps flew into our house. I ran to protect my baby. I was afraid they sting them. I implored Saint Michael the Archangel, and thanks to him the wasps flew around us a little bit and then went out of the window without attacking us. I thank because my babe was saved.

My children and I were walking along the river when suddenly a terrible rainstorm began. The wall of rain were so dense we couldn’t see where to go. I was scared that because of the rain the water in the river might rise and take us. So while we were running I began to pray the Virgin of Zapopan, and she stopped the rain in a miraculous way. The splendid sun appeared shining in the sky and covered us with its warm rays. I thank for that and present this retablo as a testimony to that miracle.

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The Castillo sisters let my daughter Lupita to pick up some peaches in their garden, so we could make some marmalade. Bit their enormous dog decided she was a thief and jumped on her. Thanks to the Holy Child of Atocha it only bit and tore her skirt, but the girl wasn’t hurt. We thank for that.

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I never forget that morning of September 19, 1985, when my little son and I were surprised by that terrible earthquake. It threatened to destroy the building we used to live in. I’ll be forever grateful to Saint Jude Thaddeus for protecting us. I entrusted ourselves and he saved our lives. Now I can actually see that my boy grew up in a good man.

Pedro Ortiz, Mexico City

The Perez Lopez family thanks the Virgin of the Solitude because their son won the robotics contest in his school and received a grant for studying abroad.

My daughter Juanita tried to save a cat who fell in the well and stuck at a bump, but almost fell down as well. Only thanks to the Virgin of the Rosary’s protection her dress caught a nail. Her sister Marta managed to grab her and cried for help. I thank for that.

Lord of Chalma, thank you because my wife with my kids have returned to me. She left me because I used to get drunk, to spend all days in the bar and to beat her and kids, when I came home. When I was all alone, as a dog, I realized I couldn’t live without them. I stopped drinking and begged her with tears to come back. There have been 10 years without me drinking.

Jeronimo Urbina
Tacubaya, Mexico City, 1990

I thank Saint Paschal Baylon for letting me get a job as a cook in the house of good masters. Here I can also raise my son. I dedicate this retablo to my saint patron.

Rosa Maria Medina

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