Maya Prieto Salazar

My wife read in a decoration magazine that the “Dark” style was in vogue. She painted our bedroom in black. It looked hideous. But when she decided to change our furniture for black furniture and she bought the black bed linen, I couldn’t take it more. I thank the Virgin of the Rosary for giving me strength to shout on my wife, in spite of being a very complaisant and calm husband who loves his wife very much. Fortunately, my wife understood that I didn’t like the “Dark” style. So now our bedroom is white again.

We thank Saint Anthony because we have got married after many difficulties. Our wedding was very beautiful and the saint blessed our marriage.

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My TV began to have a lot of static. It was impossible to watch it. I went up to the roof to see what happened to the TV antenna. There I discovered a lot of martians. They had landed on my roof and used the antenna as surveillance tower. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for my cat is very curious. It followed me, and when the martians saw the cat, they escaped out of fear of being eaten. Now my TV works better than ever.

A horde of squirrels invaded the people’s houses. They were eating all the food, but the worst part was that they were smashing and dropping everything around. But thanks to our prayers to Saint Francis, a new restaurant with delicious food was opened in our town. So the squeamish squirrels lost their interest in our houses and went to destroy the restaurant.

The Garza Garcia girls were becoming old maids. Marta and Luisa were about 30, and Rosa was going to be 31. They were so distressed, so they prayed to Saint Anthony. They prayed novena to get married. Saint Anthony heard their prayer and worked a miracle, so all three of them got married.

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My husband started to catch mermaids. I was very jealous seeing how beautiful they were. But when he saw that these damned gluttons were eating all his fish yield so he was left with nothing to sell, my husband finally came to his senses and released the mermaids back in the sea. I thank Saint Raphael, protector of the fishermen.

I thank the Virgin of the Solitude, because the hours I spent learning piano as a kid gave the result. Now I’m a recognized musician and I give many concerts in different countries. And the music is my passion.

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My son Mario had a teacher in the boarding school who always yelled at him. The teacher was so demanding that my son became a sleep-walker. He went on the roof and threw his schoolmates’ shoes in the yard. I thank the Virgin because since I took Mario out of this school, he stopped walking in the sleep.

August 25, 1953, Manuel Gonzalez was hit by a car. His mother, doña Luz, entrusted him to the saint patroness, the Virgin of Zapopan, so that he wouldn’t die. Thanks to the Virgin, her son is recovering.

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April 5, 1950, Lucio Perez was drowning but he was saved by fishermen. He thanks the Virgin of the Rosary.

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Tuesday, November 3, Pedro Martinez was hit by a truck with sheep on board when he was coming back home with his mother Luz after gathering woods. His condition was bad. His mother thanks the Holy Virgin of Zapopan for the miracle that her son didn’t die and now is better.

My husband bought a bed for our children on a garage sale. But it turned out that the bed had belonged to a psychic. So it floated by nights, and we had to call a priest to exorcise the bed. We thank the Virgin of San Juan for the spirits didn’t attack the boys and didn’t possess them.

Whenever Rafael Martinez had a gout attack, he yelled at his wife throwing everything she brought him. Doña Mirta prayed to the Virgin for healing her husband. The Virgin heard her prayers, and don Rafael got better. They thank for that.