Blessed Christ, stop and end this damned coronavirus pandemic that has caused so much damage. Deliver us from the evil here on earth and in the heaven as well. Let us earn our daily bread and live our life without forgetting those who have died. I beg you for those who stay here and for the entire world. A humble neighborhood painter Alfredo Vilchis Roque asks you.

Corner of the miracles, Minas de Cristo, Mexico City
July 20, 2020, From Mexico to the World

Martha Larios and Leonora Perez are very grateful for living together and very happy, in spite of public shaming. You gave us strength to go on and show that we love each other.

CDMX, 2021

Señor Jasinto Ramirez brings the present retablo, with great devotion, to Saint Augustine because he managed to gather a vey vast collection of tin soldiers of different armies.

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I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because the other day I was smoking marijuana and greened out. I ask the Virgin to save me, and she helped me out.

August 13, 2021, Sr. Calavera

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I give thanks to Saint Jude Thaddeus for letting me to put my offerings once again this year. It’s very important for me to never forget my beloved ones, and I fell them even closer to me during these All Saints’ feasts. I know they are happy to come and enjoy what I put, with great love, to their altar.

Adelaida Reyes ~ Oaxaca, Mexico

Virgin of San Juan, I’m eternally grateful and dedicate you the present retablo for saving me from losing my left titty. It wasn’t cancer, and I avoided a surgery.

Señora Juana P.
Tacubaya, Mexico City, May 10, 2015

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One very calm night, when I was going to bed, I heard a very big noise. I opened the window, I saw a spaceship and two green aliens. They had bad intentions because one of them got into the house and tried to grab my kitten. Fortunately, my husband Amador was near and he helped me to defend the kitten. I kicked them with a stick, and they ran fast to their ship. Thanks, Virgin, because it was like a dream.

Zenaida Jimenez, September 29, 1968

One day at a gig, I was shitting in the toilet but had nothing to clean myself with. Then a french punky called Francoise appeared. He took of his boots and passed me his socks, just at the moment when “Malgobierno” were playing. I’ve never seen him after that. Wherever he is now, I thank him and the band “Kiltro” for taking me through my first club night. I never forget them.

I, dude David (“Trastorno”)
The Okultavio club, 2005

You never forget your first gig.

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I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe who saved me one night when I went to work in the field, and a monster appeared, and fire came out from his mouth, and demons tried to catch us. I thank you, Mother of Guadalupe.

Rosendo Lopez Garcia, San Juan del Rio

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My patrons asked me to cook some mole and two turkeys. I was feeling bad to kill birds. I thank Saint Paschal because I convinced my patrons to have another dish and they even gave me those two turkeys as a gift. I took them back to my hut, and I’m very glad.

Asuncion Toxqui ~ Cholula, Puebla

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Victoriano Perez dedicates this retablo because I loved to dance with my pig but she stepped on my callus.

Puebla, September 5, 1940

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Federico Ramirez was swimming in the sea, and a shark was going to attack him. But then a wonderful miracle happened, and a group of turtles sent by the Virgin of Zapopan stepped in. The turtles began to swim around the shark, and Federico managed to escape. He gives infinite thanks to the Holy Virgin.

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I thank because when the bull from the Sunday bullfighting jumped over the barrier it didn’t hurt my daughters who sat in the first row.

May 5, 1955

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