Antonio R. got an important job in the government and now can afford a good car. He thanks the Virgin of San Juan with this retablo for such good luck.
Antonio R. got an important job in the government and now can afford a good car. He thanks the Virgin of San Juan with this retablo for such good luck.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I fell of the stairs. I thank the Virgin for I didn’t hurt myself and didn’t smash my cat who was sitting down the stairs.
February 19, 1969
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
The young man Roberto B. got drunk. When he came home he couldn’t hold it and vomited on his father’s feet. He thanks Saint James for his father was understanding and didn’t kick him out.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
A devil took possession of my jewelry box and my mirror. He spent hours in front of the mirror trying out my necklace and chains. I was afraid to put them on afterwards and prayed the Virgin <. . .>
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
My husband entered in the mid-life crisis. As much conservative he had been, he suddenly became a hippy. The worst part was that he left his office job and started to paint. He even painted our house in various colors. I prayed the Virgin of Guadalupe so that she would bring him back to his senses. But the Holy Virgin, in her infinite wisdom, made so that one gallery began to buy his paintings. Now they have bought all his works because it turned out he was really a good artists. I want also to thank the Virgin because he has repainted our house back in white.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
We thank the Virgin of Zapopan for letting us to witness an unforgettable scene of the annual flight of the witches to their gathering in Catemaco. The witches fly stealthy, and there’s very few people who saw them flying. But since it was full moon we could see them clearly, and it was marvelous.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
Humberto Espinosa thank Saint James with this retablo for he’s doing very well collecting plastic bottles. WIth this earning he can pay for his son’s school.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
My cow Luisa wouldn’t leave the tracks, and the train was closer and closer. Only a miracle could save her. I prayed the Virgin of Guadalupe, and she made the miracle. Luisa saw opuntia prickly pears and went to eat them.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
Casimiro Ramos was about to make his debut as a boxer. But when he came up to the ring, he felt so scared he peed himself. He thanks Saint John Bosco with this retablo for, despite this embarrassment, he stood and fight and won.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Every day in the office, I was suffering harassment from my boss who used every opportunity to approach me and touch me. He made me improper proposals in change of moving up in my job, and I felt very terrible. I thank Saint Dorothy for giving me enough courage to denounce him to his superiors and to end this nightmare.
Rita N.
Pachuca, Hidalgo
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
One mermaid had an idea to get into my boat. The first time, I was fascinated with her beauty, but then she began to return all my fish back to the sea. I didn’t like that, I was working hard to catch all this fish, and the mermaid was undoing my work. I prayed the Virgin because it didn’t matter if I changed my way, the mermaid always found me. Thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe the mermaid finally left me and went to bother Carlos Medina who had a bigger boat than mine and used to catch more fish.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
My son Carlos enjoyed teasing a neighbor dog. It was barking and growling throughout the door. But one day the door wasn’t shut, so the animal ran out and jumped on my boy. Only thanks to the Virgin of Zapopan’s intervention it didn’t bite him and only scared him tremendously. Since that my son won’t tease any dog.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
Holy Face of God, deliver us from the evil and to not make us suffer. Lord Jesus Christ, bless my house, my family, my kids and all houses in the world.
Retablo by David Mecalco