A young man Ceferino Fernandez and his mom had a lot of financial problems. He entrusted himself to the Virgin of Juquila whom he gives infinite thanks because they started a sewing business and supported themselves with it.
A young man Ceferino Fernandez and his mom had a lot of financial problems. He entrusted himself to the Virgin of Juquila whom he gives infinite thanks because they started a sewing business and supported themselves with it.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
My daughter liked to swing on a huge tree near the river. One day I saw an ocelot right on the branch which the swing was hung on. I ran, but I was far from there. I was praying to the Virgin of Guadalupe, and thanks to her the animal didn’t attack my girl but jumped to another tree where there were many squirrels, and then it went away.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
Thank you, King David, because, with your prayer, I always got home while being tipsy, avoiding goons and police.
Retablo by Denis Dyachenko
We thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because one time during a picnic, some people kidnapped a young girl with a little girl. But then they left a little girl on a stone because she had nothing to do with a young girl. Thanks.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
Raul Gomez brings the present retablo, with great devotion, to the Child of Atocha in gratitude for helping him to win the table soccer championship.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Give me strength, Virgin of Guadalupe, to continue with the wrestling so I can support my daughter.
Bety the Ugly
Retablo by Jorge Bonola
Saint Joseph of Cupertino, I’m very thankful for the opportunity to study in the great Notre Dame University, and I thank for your help with my exams.
Nat Landau, South Bend, Indiana, 2020
Boy’s parents — Christopher and Caroline Landau.
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
I thank the Holy Cross because we were drinking on its holiday and thanks to that we avoided the metro accident.
Maik, 3/5/21
Retablo by Alice Meh
My husband was always snoring, especially after romantic pleasures. One day I prayed to Virgin Mary, and my husband left me for another woman. My life has become much calmer, and I’m infinitely thankful for that.
Retablo by Muralsera
I give thanks to the Supreme Patron of the electromagnetism, Saint Michael Faraday, because I, Samuel, after my second Sinovac shot, have remained with the power of magnet. Without this feature, I couldn’t bring joy to the kids who come to me with their forks and put them on my body. And the audios from WhatsApp come directly to my head.
Samuel L. Quilicura, 2021
Retablo by Oficio Erico
I liked my neighbor very much, and she responded me. But we were secretly seeing each other for she had a grumpy and violent father who didn’t let her to have a boyfriend. One night I climbed to her room to see her, and her father caught us by surprise with a pistol in his hand. I thank Saint Raymond for illuminating me to act like a sleep-walker. With his divine help, her father believed it, so I saved my skin.
Nepomuceno Diaz / Zacatecas, Mexico
Retablo by Flor Palomares
I was weeding the hillock in my beloved San Miguel at the dusk, when suddenly the ground yawned and a creature that had tentacles like an octopus came out of it. I was frozen and didn’t know what to do. The beast was looking at me with its enormous eyes. It tried to grab me. I implored the Brown-skin Virgin to give me strength. Then I took my machete and hit it with all might. The monster went back into the hole, and I survived.
Ruperto N., 1980
Retablo by Carlos Hurtado
I admired a famous model of men’s magazines. She was my platonic love. I dedicate this retablo to the Lord of the Wonders because one day she entered my repair shop when her car had broken down near by. It was the best day of my life. My dream to meet her came true, and she even gave me her autograph, and I took a photo with her.
Felix Romero \ Puebla, Mexico
Retablo by Flor Palomares