I met a woman of my dreams. But every time I was at her home and tried to kiss her, her cat began to meowing like crazy. Then her grandmother came in the room with angry face. I was desperate and asked the Virgin of Guadalupe for help. The grandmother decided to go live with her other grandsons, and she took the cat with her. Now nobody interrupts me while I’m kissing my Rosita.

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I was lost in the desert with my donkey. We were dying from insolation and thirst. Suddenly I saw many angels coming to us. They flew to take us to the heaven. But then I realized they weren’t angels but vultures. I prayed the Virgin of San Juan for help, and some travelers in a truck noticed us. They took us with them and gave us water. I thank the Virgin for saving our lives.

J. F. brings this retablo thanking Saint Charbel for they didn’t found, at the University where he is working, about an improper love affair he had with a student.

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Virgin of Guadalupe, patroness of Mexico, empress of America, protect the USA and all the latin immigrants of all races and colors who come to that country to work honestly and earn their living, with the spirit and philosophy of Abraham Lincoln. Not let this idiot’s crazy ideas and threats to deprive them of their rights and liberty.

This humble artists A. V. R. asks you for that
Corner of the miracles, Minas de Cristo
Mexico City — May 22, 2016

I had no water in my house so I went to take a bath to the river. When I finished and get out of the water, I found that a calf had eaten all my clothes except my shoes. Just a thought of going naked back home made me feel embarrassed. Mostly because I had to pass the Rodriguez’ house who are very lustful men. The Virgin of Guadalupe helped me—I found a tablecloth put out to dry off on the fence of a nearby house. I wrapped myself in it and ran to the house, and no one saw me.

Ernesto Romero and Elvira J. were caught by the police while having sex in a car. They thank Saint Charbel with this retablo for the policeman was kind enough to let them go.

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I thank Saint Benedict for helping me to keep my great secret. In reality it’s my wife who is the boss in our house and I’m just a henpecked husband. If somebody found out, it would damage my tough image among the fans and I’d be a joke for my fellows wrestlers. I bring this humble retablo.

The wrestler Black Storm, Mexico City

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My daughters had become very mischievous and disobedient. But since we adopted an ugly homeless dog and gave it a good bath and got rid of fleas, the girls’ behavior has improved a lot. They are happy with the dog. They discharge their energy playing with it. Although the dog is ugly, it’s very kind and affectionate.

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We thank the Blessed Sacraments because we managed to bring all our animals to the church for the priest’s blessing.

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I thank Saint Quiteria of Frexeiras for not letting my boat drown.

Alipio Jose da Silva
Japaratinga, Alagoas

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When I got lost, I was attacked. They tried to take my taxi—my only way to earn money after I’d been fired from Ruta 100 (public transport company). I prayed the Angel of Justice, and the attackers suddenly ran away in fear without doing me any harm. I knew it was you, Angel, who scared them away. That’s why I offer this retablo to you, to the protector of all Mexico City’s taxi drivers. It happened in the biggest city in the world—Mexico City.

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The picador Nemesio Gomes thanks Virgin of San Juan with this retablo for his wound has been healed. He was injured when a bull hit him in his butt cheek.

Tlaxcala, 1929

A giant animal came at night. We gave him some food and he left without doing any harm.

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