The music is a very important to our family, and it’s with us every day. Even our animals enjoy the music, and there are more singing birds in our garden than in any other. I thank the Virgin for such a harmony and because my children are also good musicians.

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Because my husband spent all the day riding a horse, drank some mezcal and ate some hot snacks, he couldn’t pee that evening. He suffered all night, and no remedy helped him. So I implored Saint Paschal, and he got cured by the dawn. I thank for that with this retablo.

Puebla, 1924
Francisca Ramos

All the whores, we thank you, Virgin of the Rosary, for having job and clients and for making money by the sweat of our brow.

Oaxaca, Mexico, 1969

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The young girl Ana Maria Suarez was really hung-up on drugs. She was even offering herself on the streets. She thanks Saint Jude with this retablo for her recovery.

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Roberto B. was kidnapped and held for 10 days. But thanks to his deep faith to the Virgin of Guadalupe he managed to hold out until he was saved by the police forces. He dedicates this retablo in gratitude.

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I was washing my baby-boy in the river when I slipped on a stone and drop him in the water. He was taken by the current, I rush after him and I was amazed to find out that he was very happy swimming around. It was a wonderful miracle of the Virgin of Zapopan because it’s impossible for such a little baby to learn by himself how to swim. I thank the Virgin for saving my boy.

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The girl Luisa tames the tigers, and the tigers love her very much. The Virgin gives her protection, and Luisa thanks for that.

Saint Jude Thaddeus, thank you for the happiness you gave me—for The Cheeky. Every day on my way to the bakery, I saw a guy who stared at me. I always looked away and ignored him but one day I noticed that he was following me. Another day he slapped my ass. I felt embarrassed and became very nervous. That’s how I met Sotero and we became a couple.

Isaias Lugo
Guadalajara, Jalisco, 1960

I was attacked by a horrible nagual that suddenly appeared. Terrified, I implored the Virgin of Guadalupe who made so that the nagual disappeared. However, I went through such a shock that my hair turned gray.

Jose Trinidad Lopez

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Raulito Garcia was so dumb that one day his teacher Sonia Corrales lost her patience and hit him with a ruler. When she saw him unconscious after the blow she prayed the Holy Virgin. The teacher thanks the Virgin because the boy fainted because he had worms and not because she hit him.

Jorge Perez participated in a chess tournament of his neighborhood. He thanks the Holy Child of Atocha with this retablo for his triumph so he even got a girlfriend.

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Thank you, Virgin, for we weren’t attacked on the road. V. L.

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My daughter Josefina began sleepwalking. She went out and wandered around the town. I was afraid that something would happen with her, and because we couldn’t always look after her I prayed to the Virgin pf Zapopan for help. The Virgin worked the miracle. And since my daughter became the Ruben Magaña’s girlfriend she stopped walking in her sleep. We thank for this miracle.

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