Unrested souls appear in the pulqueria-bar of don Juan. We beg you, Virgin of Guadalupe, to make them rest. The dead into the pits, the living to enjoy.
Unrested souls appear in the pulqueria-bar of don Juan. We beg you, Virgin of Guadalupe, to make them rest. The dead into the pits, the living to enjoy.
Retablo by Luz Cadena
November 2, Fidencio and Laureano Trejo went to the cemetery to drink and met a mister who sat on a grave. He wanted to give them a chest full of gold so they would keep enjoying their sin, but suddenly the brothers realized it was a dead man who was speaking with them. They implored Saint Benedict for help to protect them and not to let anything happen to them. They promise to cut down on booze and respect the dead.
Oaxaca, Mexico
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Ramon Macias has bought a convertible, and now he is driving around with a bunch of broads. He fervently thanks Saint Jude with this retablo because his salary is enough to allow him this luxury.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Suddenly I became very fond of the bull. Forgive me, Virgin.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
I was coming back from fishing in my boat when I accidentally got myself into a part of lake I didn’t know well. Suddenly I stumbled upon three huge crocodiles. I got very scared because I had nothing to defend myself. That’s why I implored Saint Francis of Assisi for help, and then, by a miracle, those dangerous animals went away. I give thanks for that.
Rufino Villanueva — Tabasco, Mexico
Retablo by Flor Palomares
I thank my dear Saint Valentine for finding a husband for my sweet friend named Maria who is a virgin in her 35.
Maria de la O
Retablo by Maria Espert
Infinite thanks to Saint Lizzo patron saint of curves for blessing us all with her performances that celebrate curves, & for inspiring other big babes to love their own hot curves.
Retablo by Kaff-eine
In the year of 1980, in the city of San Antonio, a young Jamie Eddy was afflicted with a spate of intense nosebleeds. His mother tried the usual home remedies, humidification, ointment, nasal spray and ice packs but they all failed to stop the hemorrhaging. The doctors performed chemical and electrical cauterization, painful procedures which Jamie endured with unflinching bravery, but they too failed to quell the torrent of blood. With little hope left, and even less blood, young Jamie petitioned Santa Teresa de Avila, the patroness saint of nose bleeds. He knew his prayers had been heard when the river of blood slowed to a trickle and then stopped altogether. James Eddy painted this retablo to commemorate the miracle which occurred 41 years ago. Executed this seventh day of February 2021 in the City of San Francisco.
Retablo by James H. Eddy
Maria Sandra Villegas thanks the Virgin of Juquila with this retablo because the orange juice point she inherited from her late husband is having great success, although sometimes causes envy.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
The huehue dance group from Xanaca neighborhood dedicate the present retablo to Saint Rita of Cascia with deep gratitude for granting them health to be able to participate in the Carnival celibrations the last year when they performed the traditional huehue dance for joy of children and adults.
Retablo by Flor Palomares
We ask the Holy Heart to look after us because we live in a very strange town.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
Thanks, Virgin of Guadalupe, because on the last minute of the game I scored the goal with which we won the championship.
Retablo by Jorge Bonola
Virgin of Guadalupe, may you be blessed for the luck of meeting a good man who got me from the life of prostitution and abuse, he forgave my past and asked me to marry him.
Lourdes P. “The Delicious”
Mexico, 1999
Retablo by Hugo Vilchis