The Reyes brother hated me because of the quarrel about borders of our lands. One day they made an ambush to kill me when I would ride my horse near by. But the Virgin of Zapopan always protected me and that day she gave wings to my horse. The horse galloped faster than ever before. I arrived to the village and hid in the church. So I saved my life.

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There was an invasion of squirrels in my cellar. They were eating all my fruit. I tried to frighten them but they always returned. Only thanks to my prayers to the Virgin of San Juan she worked the miracle. So the squirrels disappeared and never came back.

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My boy Panchito ate a lot of sweets and felt severe pain in the stomach. Nothing helped him so I entrusted him to the Holy Child Doctor. With his divine help and with help of the doctor Panchito is feeling well now. I offer this retablo for that.

Serafina Muñoz

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Virgin, protect us from the ghost who walks by the ranch. Thank you.

Jimena Diaz

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Francisco Aguilar thanks the Holy Child of Atocha because his uncle after his death left to him two box of excellent french wine. Now he drinks it with the family on special occasions.

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I dedicate this retablo to the Virgin of the Solitude because I managed to work another year on this angle to send money back to Oaxaca to my parents so they wouldn’t lack anything. I beg from the bottom of my heart to look after them for me.

Merced, Mexico City — May 10, 2009

Romualda Quiros liked to have her fortune told by cards. Until one day she was told that she would kick the bucket very soon. She begs the Virgin of San Juan to forgive her and promises to not visit fortune-tellers ever again.

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The teacher of my kids, Luis and Maria, told me if they wouldn’t get better in math then they should repeat the grade. I was heartbroken and entrusted them to the Virgin of the Rosary. She worked the miracle and my kids got better in math and passed to the fourth grade.

The Feast of San Juan is celebrated on June 24. We pray for a good monsoon to bring us the necessary rains that help the plants and animals. When the rains start, the desert comes to life. The smell of the wet creosote in the cool breeze gives a welcome relief. Early the next morning worms of flying ants hover in the air. The creeks and washes flow into the Santa Cruz river and within days, everything is green.

Thank you, Virgin, for we have enough food for everyone.


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I dedicate this retablo to the Virgin of Guadalupe because even thought I had only three piano lessons and could play only with one finger my dear grandfather gave me the opportunity to perform in a piano recital in one of the many theaters he owns in the capital. And according to my fiancée I didn’t make many mistakes and the audience remained pleased enough.

Mexico, May 1982

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Oh my Lord, my eternal Father, who took him in the kingdom of heaven, may his soul rest in peace near by you. Send comfort to his parents, brothers and friends who will always remember him as Alex was a great friend. Rest with god.

Nancy N. and his friends from Milagros alley, Lagunilla, Mexico.
August 2002

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On our way to our grandmother Remigia, who lives above the hill, strong wind arose. And it was so strong and blew us off our feet that my sister Soledad lost her balance and fell off the cliff. But by a miracle of the Virgin of the Rosary her shawl got tangled on a jutting branch and stopped her from falling down. I managed to save her while I left my little brother and sister gripping a tree. After that the Virgin helped us to arrive to the grandmother’s house.

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