Virgin of Guadalupe

Thank you, Virgin, for saving my buddy and me from demons of evil.

December 21, 1990, Puebla

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Señor Fransisco gives infinite thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe because his buddy Antonio is doing well after a pipe fell on him when the crane cable snapped. He testifies his gratitude with this for granting him recovery.

January 25, 1990, Santa Fe, Mexico

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Today, May 20, 2005, I give my faith, devotion and my eternal gratitude to the Holy Virgin Mother of Mexico for many years at the ring. I offer her this small retablo, in Guadalajara, Jalisco.

Mil Mascaras — Land of courageous

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We were having a picnic, and suddenly an UFO appeared. I immediately entrusted myself to the Virgin, and fortunately the UFO only took the barbecue.

Monterrey, Mexico — 06/13/2009, Hector Salas C.

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I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for saving me from death when my lion went mad and tried to attack me. I entrusted myself to you and finished my act.

Felipe “The Daredevil”
May 10, 2001

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Here I’m showing what a grateful lady told me with tears in her eyes on that sad morning of September 19, 1985. She’s giving thanks to the Holy Mary of Guadalupe and testifies her miracle of protecting her two children during that strong earthquake that happened in Mexico City and brought many pain and tragedy. Today, 30 years later, I ask, with all my hear, to protect me beautiful and beloved Mexico.

September 2015

Virgin of Guadalupe, we thank you for letting us arrive well to the United States after crossing Arizona desert and for being able to find job. We’ve just get married and we ask you to give us your blessing.

Guadalupe and Ricardo, absent children
Mexico City, March 13, 2009

Señor Antonio Ontiveros and his wife thank the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe for saving their lives from being abducted by martian flying saucers on June 15, 1964.

The martians left them naked and converted them in jaguars. They thank the martians and the Virgin because they traveled around the world, met a lot of people and made money. The Jaguars of Michoacan.

I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for giving me strength to win over my rival in an important fight mask vs. mask. When I felt weak I prayed and then I managed to apply a camel clutch and won the mask of the Espanto (The Fright).

El Santo

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I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for giving me the gift of becoming a star of the ring. I’m invincible, and I owe everything to my Mother of Tepeyac. I dedicate her this exvoto, with all my faith and devotion.

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My father caught me when I was with Sonia. He was so furious he kicked me out of the house. I was all alone and implored the Virgin, and my father forgave me. He accepted me as I am, and I thank for that. I was born that way and cannot change.

Vaneza Rodriges
February 14, 1987
Polanco, Mexico

I beg you, Virgin of Guadalupe, if only I could a meet a woman not to be alone.

Ivan Luna

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To the Virgin of Guadalupe I give thanks for saving me of staying in a trip.

Jimy Farrera

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