Virgin of San Juan

My sons went to the movie to watch a movie with monsters and mummy without asking my permission. After the movie they were so scared, that when they were going through a dark alley they imagined that there was a mummy growling at them. But my Samuel took out his medallion of the Virgin of San Juan, and the mummy got scared. So the kids ran away, and this monster didn’t follow them. I thank the Virgin for protecting my sons.

Ana Lopez

We offer this retablo to the Virgin of San Juan for the miracle that we arrived to USA after we had met the immigration police but managed to escape.

Antonio & Julio, 1941

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Since my children went away, I felt so lonely. One day I adopted an abandoned puppy that arrived at my doors. He gave me so much joy. I thank the Virgin of San Juan, for now I have 11 stray dogs living with me. They brighten up the loneliness, give me their love and protect me from thieves.

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I had a cockroach invasion in my kitchen. They climbed on the table when my friend Laura, who is fanatical about cleanliness, visited me. I almost died of embarrassment. I didn’t know what to do and I prayed to the Virgin of San Juan, so that she would help me in such a difficulty. Thanks to her divine intervention all cockroaches disappeared that night. I thank the Virgin because Laura didn’t part company with me after that incident. I love her very much and we have fun together.

One night I heard strange noise on the roof. I was scared that it might be thieves. I peeped out the staircase window. To my surprise, and to my fear, it were extraterrestrials. They were taking my family’s clothes. I prayed to the Virgin so that the martians wouldn’t notice me or my sleeping baby and so that my husband would come back home. I thank the Virgin of San Juan because the extraterrestrials went away without doing any harm to us. But since we were left without clothes, I had to buy new ones — and that I very much like to do.

My wife used to read horror stories. Because of that she had nightmares. She woke up at night crying and giving me slaps and kicks. She even pushed me off the bed. I thank the Virgin of San Juan, because now my wife reads love stories. She has nice dreams about handsome men, she kisses them at her dream, and we both sleep in peace.

Thank you, Virgin, for hearing my requests. I didn’t sleep by nights, because the devil kept appearing to me from the well.

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Doña Rosalia Perez was coming back from the cinema with her children and hit a stray puppy. The children thank the Virgin of San Juan because the puppy has survived and now they keep it as a pet.

I dedicate this retablo to the Virgin of San Juan for helping me to come back from USA with some dollars, so I could get married and buy my truck and work on my land.

November 15, 1959

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I thank you, Virgin of San Juan, for I found my resignation. For a long time I couldn’t believe that Maria had left me. Although I wanted to drown my grief in alcohol, there was always somebody who was worrying about me. I ask you, Virgin, to protect my brother.

Pedro Mejia
Mexico City
April 17, 1983

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On the road going down to the town, I noticed that my bus’ brakes went out. There was a christian with donkeys in front of me, next to a cliff at one side and stones at another. I didn’t know what would be worse, to kill this man with the donkeys or to crash my passengers. I entrusted myself to the Virgin of San Juan, and the man with the donkeys moved aside. I flew near him at high speed. I managed to brake at the end of the slope. I thank for I didn’t have to kill anybody.

February 2008, Teodocia Cruz couldn’t find dotted heeled shoes. She was desperate, so she entrusted herself to the Holy Virgin of San Juan. And she found the shoes at last season’s sales.

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My son Mario had a teacher in the boarding school who always yelled at him. The teacher was so demanding that my son became a sleep-walker. He went on the roof and threw his schoolmates’ shoes in the yard. I thank the Virgin because since I took Mario out of this school, he stopped walking in the sleep.