Virgin of San Juan

My husband bought a bed for our children on a garage sale. But it turned out that the bed had belonged to a psychic. So it floated by nights, and we had to call a priest to exorcise the bed. We thank the Virgin of San Juan for the spirits didn’t attack the boys and didn’t possess them.

Roberto Aguilar thanks the Virgin of San Juan, because the alligator, that kept eating his flock every time sheep went to the river to drink water, was finally captured

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Raquel Flores and Elena Ortiz thank the Virgin of San Juan because they won a bikini contest in Acapulco and they were even offered modeling contracts.

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Maria Rodriguez was washing clothes on the river and saw a cardboard box full of newborn puppies. Some evil man had thrown them into the water. Maria immediately saved the puppies. She thanks the Virgin of San Juan because they are alright and now the puppies are the joy of her house.

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Josefina and Rosalia Gonzalez went to visit an aunt in Santo Tomas. A very nice stray dog followed them with her puppies till their house. Josefina and Rosalia adopted them. They give thanks to the Virgin of San Juan because now these animals keep them company in their solitude and protect them from the thieves.

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My husband used to be a gambler. That often led to trouble. One day he almost lost our house. I thank the Virgin of San Juan for he won that time and he got so scared that stopped playing. I offer this retablo to the Virgin.

May you be blessed, Virgin of San Juan, for the miracle that I met a good man who loves me. It didn’t matter for him that I was a prostitute. He proposed me, and now we’re very happy together.

Claudia Perez
Merced, 1987

I thank the Virgin of San Juan for enlightening me so I could return back to my house. I had got lost and couldn’t find my way home. I thank for the help and offer this ex-voto.

Mrs. Anastacia

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Sandra Romero thanks the Virgin of San Juan for her new job as a TV interviewer. She happens to interview various actors.

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My husband changed for the worse. He began to visit bars and ladies of easy virtue. I was afraid to lose him, so I prayed to the Virgin for a change in his behavior. Finally I had an idea. I said to him that if he’d continue to flirt with dames, I would not cook for him anymore. And I cook really good. He thought it over and broke off his bad habits. I thank the Virgin of San Juan.

I thank the Virgin of San Juan for giving me courage to run away with my boyfriend. Our friend helped us to go live together far away so our parents can’t punish us.

Carlos & Miguel

I had a huge problem. When I met a nice guy, it all was going well until we went on a romantic date. When they tried to hug me or even grab my hand, I suddenly became electric and shocked them with electricity. After the shock every man ran away from me. I prayed to the Virgin because I didn’t want to be an old maid. She worked a miracle and made my charge less harmful, leaving me with a soft magnetic attraction. Now I have a boyfriend, and I thank the Virgin.

June 16, 1964 Maricela Morena was trying on her wedding dress at the house of her grandparents. The dogs were very irritated by that dress and attacked her. Hearing the material tearing apart Maricela start praying desperately to the Virgin of San Juan. The Virgin worked a miracle so the dress didn’t tear. Maricela gives thanks for that.

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